A Life Reborn
Alexandria, Egypt. At some point, perhaps in Algeria or Bizerte, the soldiers got off the boat, but we were not allowed to disem - bark. In Alexandria, we exchanged chocolate for oranges with the Egyptian stevedores. Growing up in Poland, we had rarely had or- anges, which were an expensive commodity in Europe at that time. From the ship, we threw chocolate, which had been given to us by the American soldiers, down to the Egyptians on the pier, while they threw oranges up to us. Some of the oranges fell in the water, which to them was no big deal since they had cases of oranges. But when we saw oranges fall into the sea, we felt like jumping into the water to retrieve them because they were so precious to us. From this juncture forward, no one ever talked about what had happened during the war. I could never speak about it myself until recently. For many years afterward, talking about my painful past, even to my wife and children, was impossible.
The Champollion , the boat that carried the Dror children to Palestine
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