Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

A New Beginning

The Beginnings of a Normal life The Beginnings of a Normal Life

and the salary was sent directly to the kibbutz, although I was given a food allowance. Whenever something happened and people were dispatched to a kibbutz or needed transportation from a kibbutz to another destination, they would inform the Kibbutz Administration that “So-and-so has to go to the Galilee for two days.” I had to fig - ure out how to provide a car and driver. I used my imagination to accomplish this economically. Sometimes, I would combine several trips to the same area. Often, the driver would deliver someone to one place, and then go to an- other place that needed help, and on the way back, pick up the first guy. I tried to get our drivers to keep their expenditures to a reason- able level. To do this, I established an acceptable average month- ly figure. If a driver went over this budget, I would politely ask, “Have you had unusual troubles this month?” The next month, the bill usually returned to its normal level. Kibbutzim ran on the honor system, and you could not chastise or talk down to anyone. There was very little friction, and it was very satisfying to work with peo- ple who were all considered equals doing equally important jobs. There were other logistical problems to solve. The seemingly simple task of filling the cars’ gasoline tanks was in itself quite a challenge. We had coupons for gas and an account at a station south of Tel Aviv, but we did not always go south. To improve efficiency, I established a relationship with a station to the north. Our cars were not new and they needed constant repairs. I im- proved that process, too. The garage we used was in a former mil- itary barracks and the repairs were done in pits, which was not an efficient solution. I arranged for funding from the central kib - butz office so the garage could put in lifts. In return, the garage owner gave our cars first priority for repairs, and as a result, our entire fleet was usually fully available for use. A side benefit for me was that, because all our cars were now in commission, one was usually available for my use. Fridays were a constant scheduling challenge. We had many kibbutzniks who worked in Tel Aviv, and they usually signed up to


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