Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Starting Agfiin Starting Again

Another Country, a New Family

have to be amputated. With a heavy heart, I agreed to have the surgery. The surgery lasted 111/2 hours because the doctor refused to give up. My poor wife, son and daughter just sat and waited for news. Eventually, the doctor found veins hidden deep inside the leg and connected them to the transplanted muscle. I was intensely anxious, when I woke after the surgery, to find out whether the new connections would succeed. The leg was heavily bandaged, with a big hole in the middle of the bandage where the doctor inserted an instrument to amplify the sounds of the pulse. I heard voosh, voosh, vooshi The connection had been made! But the vein might still collapse, and we waited through the first six hours, then the next twelve, then the next twenty-four. Finally, after thir- ty-six hours, there was still a pulse, and the danger had passed. My leg was spared. As happened long ago in Haifa, special orthopedic shoes were designed to compensate for the missing part of my foot. I walk well, although with difficulty, and only for brief stretches. But how can I complain, when I am still able to ride a bike and dance? In fact, I am a good dancer. Onlookers do not even realize that I have a problem. voosh!


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