A Life Reborn
where my father and sister Chava were shot. I am very grateful that the survivors of Ludvipol displayed the willingness and generos- ity to erect a special memorial for them. I am especially grateful to Shmuel Shafir and his brother Isser, who helped to make this happen. Shmuel went back to Ludvipol in July 2002 with a group of survivors from Koretz, and he found that both the cemetery and monuments were being well maintained by the local authorities. Today, visitors can pay their respects at the memorial site without being harassed by guards. In Holon, Israel, there is another memorial to the Jews of Lud- vipol. I had the honor of placing a glass box of soil, gathered from the memorial site in Ludvipol, at the Holon memorial. 1. Rabbi Arje Katz writes, in his unpublished Memorial Book for the Men, Women and Children from Ludvipol and Volynia (p. 73): “The Monument commemorating the mass killing of the Jews of Ludvipol was brought to our attention by the devoted son of Ruth and Aharon Golyb, Bennett Golub. And this happened during a period of great danger ... God sent angels to watch over them on this trip. At that time it was still dangerous to travel in the Ukraine. They were accompanied by their cousin of Blessed Memory [Samuel Tiktin], who lived in Rovno after the war. While they were searching for the place of the “cemetery” or, to be more correct, the killing fields of all the dear ones from our town, an armed-guard from the military depot from previous times stopped them in a threatening manner. There used to be a Polish Military garrison that was guarding the border between Poland and Russia. The guard was convinced by Samuel Tiktin that they were here to look for the graves of their family that lived in the area for generations. The ones we are looking for are my family. ‘As Joseph said, I am searching for my brothers.’ ... The soldier left them alone after the explanation. “Bennett, you lovely son, you were the first one to pass in front of the multitudes, like the children of Gad and Reuven, and they said to God, ‘We will walk as front-run- ners for the people on the way to Cannan.’ [Numbers 32]. You promised to go, and you did. God give you strength! To our great sorrow, your father was not able to be there because of his physical problems, but it is written that God blessed your father with an asset like you. Go and succeed in all your deeds, and the best wishes to your family.” “This blessing comes to you from Arje Leib Katz, Rabbi.” 2. Itzak Gurfinkel immigrated to Israel illegally in 1948 with HaShomer HaTzair. He lived in Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek, served in the Israeli Defense Force for twenty- seven years, and helped establish Kibbutz Megiddo. Today he lives in Rarnat Gan. Ramat Canaan.’ Golub,
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