A Life Reborn
grave looks like the other graves. At the Dror group’s Fiftieth Re- union, we gathered to honor Shimshon at his grave. My other group of friends is my landtzmen, with whom we are very close. Most of the surviving Jews from Ludvipol are in Israel, although there are several families in New York, a few in Detroit, a few in Canada (Winnipeg and Montreal), and one in Vienna. We see many friends from Ludvipol and their families, such as Pesach Kleinman, whose grandfather was our next-door neighbor and Tibel Tuchman, who saved the pictures of my family. Several years ago, Eliahu Kleinman and his wife Ada hosted a party for us. Nearly all of the survivors from Ludvipol who lived in Israel participated. The party was at Eliahu and Ada’s beautiful apart- ment in an exclusive area of Tel Aviv, with a breathtaking view of the whole city. Ada hired an accordion player, prepared wonderful food, and did everything possible to make the party one of the most memorable evenings we have had. After food and a few drinks, we sang the old Russian, Ukrainian, and Hebrew songs we had learned as children, accompanied by the accordionist, far into the night. We shall always treasure the memory of that evening. Another time, my son Ben and Moshe Trosman organized a sur- prise party in Israel for my seventieth birthday. When I walked into the room and realized it was a surprise party for me, I almost collapsed. Over eighty people attended, including the children of Samuel Tiktin, the “Dror children,” and my landtzmen. I was very happy.
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