Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Reflections on My Life and Times

Reflections on My Life and Times

human being, deeply involved in education. I also had great respect for my mother, who was a good mother and enormously devoted to her family. I remember how she was always concerned for our well-being and intent on keeping us well-fed. I would like to think that my mother and father have been looking down on my life, though I don’t really believe in life after death. My family observes Jewish traditions. We celebrate the Jewish holidays and are proud of our Jewish identity and our heritage. We belong to and are active in various Jewish organizations, including our temple, where we have been members for almost forty years. My two children, Ben and Elizabeth, are wonderful human beings. I am glad to see that they follow our tradition in many re- spects, are good people, active in Jewish organizations, and gener- ous to charitable causes. Ruth and I have tried to instill in them the importance of giving to others, of being involved in Jewish affairs, of supporting Jewish organizations, and of helping the needy of all nations. My son, Ben, a graduate of MIT with a Ph.D. in Applied Eco- nomics and Finance, is a successful young man. His wife Cindy is a wonderfully decent woman, also well educated and active in Jewish affairs. She retired from a successful professional career to be a full-time mother. I have three lovely grandchildren, Jill, Phil- lip, and Alexandra Golub, at the time of this writing. My daughter Elizabeth is a graduate of Oswego College, and now she works as a senior paralegal in an excellent professional position. Eliz- abeth recently married Kenneth Martin, a fine young man. I am very proud of both of my children and very proud of our family’s accomplishments. Family heritage expresses itself through both genes and values. Some say that my son looks like my side of the family, others that he resembles my wife’s father. Perhaps he inherited a little from both sides. Physically, my daughter resembles my mother and of- ten reminds me of her. Most of all, I am proud that our children in- herited our family’s compassion for others. I would like to believe


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