Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn


A Life Reborn

understanding of history as individuals that we never feign ignorance and allow another Holocaust to take place, and never callously dismiss the complex challenges Israel faces in its struggle to survive and honor the needs of its diverse people. I would like to warmly acknowledge the following individuals for their participation in this project. Aharon has proven himself to be a veritable library of information and a delight to work with, indefatigable in his review of drafts, and always willing to delve further into his memories. Ben has been the impetus, catalyst, and enabler of Kaddishel in its entirety. He provided invaluable insights and ideas, as well as unstinting attention to a myriad of details, in- cluding research, editing, and reviews of drafts. He involved him- self to good effect at every step. Also to be acknowledged are the individuals on the team referred to earlier by Aharon. They include journalist Stephanie Kraft for Polish translations, research, and reporting for the Polish section of the book; Hadas Ragolsky for Hebrew translations, research, and reporting; Pnina Ragolsky and Bluma Aloni for Yiddish trans- lations; Laurie Salame for fact-checking and other services as needed; Laurie McClain for transcriptions; Susan Rosenberg for web-based research; Shaul Ferraro from Yad Vashem for encour- agement and relevant documents; Sherry Hyman and Misha Mitsel of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee archives in New York for relevant documents; Susan Elbow for establishing communication with Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen archive, Dr. Borgert of that institution for relevant documents; Roger Stenlund, as well as Erkan Emre and Alex Paige for German translations; Shmuel Bolozky and Tal Even for correspondence in Hebrew; Joel Zoss and Jocelyn Axelson, as well as David Perkins, David Quinn, Art McLean, and Steve Diamond for helping copy edit drafts; Art McLean, as well as Michael Burke for proofread- ing; Jess Meyers for assistance with footnotes; Audrey Markarian for typing; Lynne Adams for complete design and formatting pri- or to the association with Simcha Publishing Company; cartogra- pher Mike Kirchoff for map preparation; and Michael Berenbaum,


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