Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Historical Background and Interviews

II. The War The War

Norgall murdered Scheindel Alt when a small amount of food was discovered during an inspection of forced laborers. 15 Norgall was also a known rapist who demanded that the Council of Jews deliver young girls to his quarters. The girls he ordered to his quarters included thirteen-year-old Zelda Guttman, four- teen-year- old Schendel Fela, and sixteen-year-old Sara Schindel. During the forced march to the kasharan (former barracks of the Polish army) during the liquidation, he pulled fourteen-year-old Chana Raber out of the column, forced her to stay in his quarters for eight days, and then murdered her. 16 One of Norgall’s deputies, either Spiegel or Glanz, ordered a pair of pants from the tailor Itzik Kaftan in May and shot him when they were delivered. The Judenrat was told to provide four Jews to bring his body from the police building into the ghetto. 17 The testimonies of survivors include this partial catalog of Nor- gall’s atrocities: He murdered a retarded youth, Jakub Finkielman, for being in the ghetto instead of going out with a labor crew. He shot and killed a mentally disturbed man of about thirty- five, Jakub Kogan, for being outside the ghetto (on the bridge over the Smorodinka Creek) without a pass. He caught Ajzik Wajsberg and his son Cemach on the bridge over the River Slusch, after they had slipped out of the ghetto and begged for bread in the village of Chubkow, and had them shot in the barracks. He caught and shot two Jewish women, and a Jewish girl from Cholopy, who were returning from forced labor, but had gone to the village of Janiow to beg for bread. The women died but the girl managed to drag herself to the ghetto. He murdered Aisik and Zimech Weissberg, Etel Charssen, Moshe Funt, and Godel Jarmolaj. He murdered seventeen-year-old Efraim Goldin, who had worked for him until that moment. 18 One survivor said, “He amused himself as a sharpshooter, using Jews as targets.” 19


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