Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn


A Life Reborn

In addition, assisted by Glanz, Spiegel, and Ukrainian police, Norgall murdered approximately one hundred Gypsy families who had been brought to the barracks and confined there for two weeks. 20 Little is known about Norgall. Some survivors remembered him as Leon Nordel, others as Norgler, but archivists at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and Zentrale Stelle in Ludwigsburg, Germany identify him as Franz Norgall. Mention is made in the archival materials of a son who stated for the record that his father, Franz Norgall, was the commissar in Ludvipol. He was also identified by Josef Guter - mann, Judah Raber, and Josef Waldmann from a photograph. Norgall was born on May 30, 1898 in Boettchersdorft and was of average build, with dark brownish skin, greenish eyes, and a long scar on one cheek, and wore a brown uniform with a swasti- ka on the arm. After the liquidation of the Jews of Ludvipol, he is said to have been wounded during a skirmish with partisans, and walked with a limp henceforth. In 1938, he was a second lieutenant for the SA Sturmfuehrer, party member number 342,751, and lived at 58 Neuhoefer Street, Heilsberg, East Prussia. Norgall was investigated and tried by the Nazi Party’s own Su- preme Court the following year for excesses, including severe mis- treatment, multiple murders, and moral transgressions, related to Kristallnacht, November 9, 1938. He was tried in the Nazi Party Court and found responsible for entering the Heilsberg apartment of a Jewish couple named Seelig and murdering both of them, “mo- tivated by hatred of Jews” but contrary to Nazi orders. The court’s proceedings say that he had acted out of “excessive anti-Semitism” and had “violated Nazi discipline.” For the violation, the court is- sued a warning and banned him from public office for three years. 21 A 1964 report in the German archives says that, after the war, a gardener in Schacht-Audorf/Schlewsig-Holstein was “identical to Norgall.” Malka Gitterman, according to testimony by her hus- band Joseph Gitterman, saw Norgall at a train station in Liebnitz, or Gras, Austria, in 1945. She shouted an alarm and tried to catch him, but he managed to lose himself in the crowd. Norgall reportedly died in an accidental fall from a trailer in


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