Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Historical Background and Interviews

II. The War The War

Schacht-Audorf/Schlewsig-Holstein in 1946 and, because he was said to be dead, the investigation into his abuses during the Ho- locaust was discontinued. In 1964, Norgall’s wife was reported to be residing in Wuppertal-Eberfeld, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 478. 22 Little is known about Glanz, other than that his first name was probably George, he was between thirty and forty years old during his tenure in Ludvipol, and he wore a green military uniform. The last time he was positively identified was January 1944 in Hol - liwien (renamed Golowin), near Kostopol. Nothing seems to be known about Spiegel’s history before or after the war. 23 Hearing rumors that the mass murder of the Jews in Ludvipol was already being organized, a group of young people, led by Da- vid Zuker and Israel Dobina, tried to organize an escape from the ghetto. Community members discouraged them, fearing German reprisals and hoping that the rumors were false, but several young people went ahead and jumped over the ghetto fence. In one ver - sion of the story, a non-Jew learned of the plan and disclosed it to the Germans. Most of the youths were captured and executed, but Dobina managed to escape. There are numerous conflicting versions of Dobina’s story. Ac - cording to Baruch Guttman’s account at Yad Vashem, Dobina visit- ed Ludvipol in 1939, when he was a young activist at a HaShomer HaTzair hachshara near Chernichov. He went to Ludvipol to see his uncle, Barder the baker, and was at a flour mill when several Ukrainians arrived to grind their grain; one of the Ukrainians re- marked that the Germans would enter the town soon, and that he would murder the mill’s owner and take over the mill then. Dobina angrily picked up a pole and hit the Ukrainian, who dropped to the floor unconscious. Dobina then returned to his hachshara. Two years later, when the Germans occupied Ludvipol, Dobina was again near Ludvipol, this time chopping timber in the forest with other young people. In the woods, he encountered Russian partisans, with grenades and other weapons, who said that more partisans and weapons would be parachuted in soon. Later, perhaps Schacht-Audorf/Schleswig-Holstein


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