Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn


A Life Reborn

husband was very upset and talked to my father, and togeth- er they planned to kill him. My father and the two guys and a Ukrainian got some guns and made their plan to attack the commissar in a couple of days, when he was going to leave town to transport some supplies. But the Ukrainian man was captured by other Ukrainians, and gave away the names of the Jews involved in the plan. The Germans went to pick [Zuker and Dobnia] up, handcuffed them, and were taking them to Kostopol. “My father saw two Germans coming towards him and was certain that they were going to pick him up, too. But the Ukrainian had not remembered his name or something — at any rate, he had not identified him. The. two other Jews signaled to my father, ‘Don’t worry. They don’t know about you.’ The Germans took the guys behind the jail and said, ‘Dig a grave with these two shovels,’ and I guess they said something like, ‘Take off your shoes.’ Dobina grabbed the shoes and hit one of the Germans in the face, then grabbed the gun and ran. His friend from Aharon’s family place [Da- vid Zuker] was running, too, and the other German shot him. But Dobina ran away. After that, he organized a group of fif - teen or twenty people — Polish, Ukrainians, anyone — and attacked the Germans and captured wagons and ammunition from them. Then he joined the Medwiedow partisans in the woods. Those were the Russian partisans that my brother, my uncle Alter Tiktin, and my cousin Samuel Tiktin were with. These Russians had come in by parachutes in the be- ginning. It was a big organization, thousands of people. “Dobina had a group of people under him who used to do things like put mines under the trains and blow them up. At some point, as I understand it, Dobina had gone into a village and, because his boots were torn and he was almost barefoot, had said to a guy with new boots, ‘Let’s change shoes,’ but later, that man had joined the partisans. He rec - ognized Dobina and reported to an officer that Dobina had Dobina]


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