Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Historical Background and Interviews

II. The War The War

skills. They had to be able to survive on very little food and water, under harsh conditions and extreme temperatures, to have a good sense of local orientation, an iron will, and, “the kind of luck ... without which, no one could get away.” 27

1. Yad Vashem, File TR. 11/101, Police of Israel inquiry into Nazi crimes in ghettos Kost- opol and Ludvipol, German; Ludwigsburg, Germany archives, State Court Adminis- tration, 1964. As part of the research for this book, the entire file of testimony at these hearings was translated into English. 2. Ludwigsburg archive, Ibid. 3. Shmuel Spector, The Holocaust of Volhyniam Jews 4. Leni Yahil, The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, p. 162 5. Yahil, Ibid. 6. Ludwigsburg archives testimony of Josef Pikowsky, indicating that Hering collabo- rated with the Germans before their occupation of Ludvipol, and that he was thin, of medium height, and about forty-five years old in 1941 7. Yad Vashem, Ibid; Wiesenthal Institute archives Volhynian

8. Ludwigsburg archives, testimony of Joseph Waldman 9. Ludwigsburg archives, testimony of Baruch Guttman

10. Ludwigsburg archives, testimony of Josef Gitterman, based on conversations with a local Mazurian, Mazure Kowalczyk, who said he had witnessed the killings, and had been forced by the Germans to help close the three mass graves

11. Ludwigsburg archives, Gitterman 12. Ludwigsburg archives, Guttman 13. Ludwigsburg archives, Gitterman 14. Ludwigsburg archives, Guttman


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