A Life Reborn
15. Ludwigsburg archives, testimony of Judah Raber 16. Ludwigsburg archives, Gitterman' 17. Ludwigsburg archives, Guttman 18. Ludwigsburg archives, assorted testimonies
19. Ludwigsburg archives, Pikowsky 20. Ludwigsburg archives, Gitterman 21. www.history-of-the-holocaust.org. "Report of Chief Nazi Party Judge on Kristallnacht"
22. Ludwigsburg archives, Raber 23. Ludwigsburg archives, Raber 24. Ludwigsburg archives, Raber 25. Yahil, Ibid., p. 171, 462 26. Yahil, Ibid., p. 462, 553 27. Yahil, Ibid., p. 553
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