Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Historical Background and Interviews

II. The War The War

1. Yad Vashem archives 2. Ludvipol Yizkor book 3. Leni Yahil, The Holocaust, p. 268

4. Yahil, Ibid., p. 268 5. Yahil, Ibid., p. 488 6. Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second world War 7. Yahil, Ibid., p. 489 10. Ludvipol Yizkor book 11. Ludvipol Yizkor book 12. After the war, Kleinman's brother moved to Israel; in 1979, he was murdered by Pales- tinian terrorists. 13. Ludvipol Yizkor book 14. Ludvipol Yizkor book. After the area was liberated, Raber went to Matchulanka and worked at the same company us Usher Edelman. When he was ordered to a labor camp by an anti-Semitic Ukrainian manager, however, he fled. Later, he ramarried and moved to Israel. 8. Baruch Guttman, Yad Vashem testimony 9. Archival materials, Ludwigsburg, Germany as remarried World War


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