Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn


A Life Reborn

December 12 Hans Frank, the Nazi officer in charge of German- occupied Poland, orders Jews to wear armbands with the Star of David. Restrictions on Jewish movement, communication, business, and more, increase. 1940 Jewish businesses and property in Ludvipol are confis - cated by the Bolsheviks and their previous owners face deportation, as the town is reorganized by the Com- munists. Zionism is seen as a threat to Russia, Hebrew is outlawed, and a Russian curriculum is instituted in all schools. Nevertheless, Jews in Russian-occupied Poland are relatively safe compared to those in Ger- man-occupied Poland, where they are forced into ghet- tos, starved, murdered, and deported to concentration and slave labor camps. February 10 Two new wings of the extremist anti-Semit-

ic Ukrainian nationalist group, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) form under the lead- ership of Andrew Melnyk and Stepan Bandera. In Warsaw, about 140,000 resident and refugee Jews are forced into the newly constructed ghetto and sealed off. In June, Germany attacks Russia and invades Rus- sian-occupied Poland. Russia immediately retreats, abandoning Ludvipol; by November 30, over 3,800,000 Russian soldiers surrender. In early July, Ludvipol is taken over by Germans. By early October, a ghetto has been erected and the Jews are forced into isola- tion behind its walls. Between June and December, an estimated 1,000,000 European Jews are killed by Ein- satzgruppen, mobile German death squads, in the first phase of the genocide of Jews. Germany attacks Russia, which becomes a de facto ally of Poland. The Russian soldiers and



June 22


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