Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn


A Life Reborn

operations against Russia and Germany. Russia surrenders Kiev after a fierce battle in - volving 665,000 Russian troops. German Einsatzgruppen murder 33,771 Jews in Kiev (Babi Yar). Norgall orders all Jews in Ludvipol and sur- rounding villages to wear the Star of David. The western Ukraine is incorporated into the General Government of Germany. On Simchat Torah, the Jews in Ludvipol and surrounding villages are forced to move into the ghetto. Movement, communication with both the outside world as well as other ghetto dwellers, and possession of food other than rations are out- lawed. People are beaten, tortured, or murdered for infractions, including those committed by family members and neighbors. In Rovno, 21,000 Jews are forced into a pine grove and shot by death squads alongside pits dug in advance. Jews from Lvov and surrounding villages are Pearl Harbor is bombed; the United States de- clares war on Japan and Germany. forced into a ghetto.

September 26

September 29

October 1

October 12

October 14

November 7-8

November 8- December 15 December 7


Germans step up their deportations of Jews to death camps, where they are systematically murdered; an es- timated 2,700,000 Jews are murdered by the Nazis in 1942. Thousands of Jews from Lvov are deported to Belzec and Auschwitz death camps as well as to slave labor camps. In Ludvipol, Jews are raped, starved, worked to death, and shot for infractions of orders. Then, in October they are marched to the forest on the other side of the Slusch River and executed. A handful succeed in escaping. The Final Solution to the Jewish Question, the

January 20


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