Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Historical Background and Interviews

II. The War The War

murder of every Jew and annihilation of the en- tire European Jewish population, is approved at Germany’s Wannsee Conference. In ransom for their lives, Ludvipol’s Jews bring Commissar Norgall all of their remaining gold, silver, and merchandise. The Jews of Rovno who survived the first mass murder (about 5,000) are forced into the forest and shot by death squads, alongside pits dug in advance. Between July 22 and the end of the year, over 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto are sent to death camps and murdered. The Jews of Lutsk (Lodz) (about 17,000) are forced into the forest and shot by death squads alongside pits dug in advance. The Jews of Ludvipol (about 2,000) are forced into the forest and held overnight either in the barracks or forest. At least 60 people attempt to escape under the cover of darkness, and some succeed. The Jews of Ludvipol are shot in the forest by death squads alongside pits dug in advance. In Ludvipol, Germans and Ukrainians hunt down and murder nearly everyone who evaded the mass murders. Many of the victims are buried in two mass graves in the town.

April 14

July 13

July 22

August 20-23

August 25

August 26

(Elul 12)

August 26-27

The tide of war begins to turn against the Germans. Jews who escaped the mass murders in Ludvipol and elsewhere struggle to survive despite extreme tempera- tures and no food or shelter in the vast forests of Vol- hynia. A worse enemy than nature are people. In addi- tion to the German Nazis, the people in the woods have to avoid discovery by anti-Semitic villagers anxious




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