A Life Reborn
for a reward, as well as collaborators, informers, and bandits. In addition, certain partisan groups are ex- tremely anti-Semitic. A significant number of Russian partisans, some of them Jewish, are parachuted into the area and provide food and shelter to many refugees. Germany, encountering increasing resistance from its allies and puppet states, abandons the exploitation of Jewish slave labor in favor of immediate and total an- nihilation of Jews in death camps. Ghettos are cleared out and their residents deported to highly efficient death camps. Jewish activists continue to organize acts of resistance, despite brutal conditions and a lack of weapons.
German troops in Stalingrad surrender. In Lvov, when an act of armed resistance fails, the entire Jewish population is rounded up and murdered. Russians capture Kursk in the northeast and Kiev, the Ukrainian capital.
January 31
June 1 and 2
July 5-
November 6
1944 Germany loses the war in the Ukraine. Russia occu- pies Odessa, Ludvipol, Rovno, Lutsk, and Lvov. Jew- ish survivors from Ludvipol and elsewhere flock to Matchulanka and Rovno, and desperately try to find lost family members. January 10 Ludvipol is liberated by the Soviet army, but has al- ready been destroyed by fire. February 5 Rovno is liberated by the Soviet army and a Russian
partisan unit led by Major General Vasily Begma. Lutsk (Lodz) is liberated. Survivors from Ludvipol search for news of their families and begin to gather in Matchulanka and Rovno, where they establish a distribution center for food and clothing. Stalin and Russia’s NKVD leaders secretly pro- pose that all Ukrainians who survived the German
June 22
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