A Life Reborn
including many children who come to Israel without their fami- lies. Some children from troubled homes are also placed there. Two factories operate in Yagur: Lagin makes metal cans and Tuboplast, plastic tubes. One of the most famous nurseries in Israel is in Ya- gur, and its amusement park serves the entire area. Mash’abei Sadeh, too, has maintained itself. Today, visitors say it looks like an oasis, with its tall palm trees visible from afar. Hak- lay, Peleg, and Zakay raised their children in this lively kibbutz.
1. Howard Sachar, A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, p. 397 2. Sachar, Ibid., p. 395 3. Sachar, Ibid., pp. 404-409
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