Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Bibliography and Sources

Interviews Golub, Aharon, interviews by Kitty Axelson-Beriy, Bethpage, New York, June 2002, August 2002, January 2003 Edelman, Boris, telephone interviews by Kitty Axelson-Berry, Hallandale, Florida, January, February 2003 Furshpan, Moshe, telephone interview by Ben Golub, July 23,2003 Gurfinkel, Itzak, telephone interview by Kitty Axelson-Berry, Ra - mat Gan, Israel, February 2003 Haklay, Hannah, interview by Hadas Ragolsky, Mash’abei Sadeh, Israel, August 2002 Katz, Arje (Leibel), telephone interview by Kitty Axelson-Berry, Brooklyn, New York, January 2003 Kleinman, Pesach, interview by Hadas Ragolsky, Ramat Gan, Is- rael, August 2002 Medlinger, Arie, interview by Hadas Ragolsky, Kibbutz Yagur, Is- rael, August 2002 Peleg, Shmuel, interview by Hadas Ragolsky, Mash’abei Sadeh, Israel, August 2002 Rubinstein, Leon, telephone interview by Kitty Axelson-Berry, Falmouth, Massachusetts, January 2003 Shafir, Shmuel, telephone interview by Kitty Axelson-Berry, Her - zliya, Israel, February 2003 Shapira, Abraham, interview by Hadas Ragolsky, Israel, August 2002 Sherman, Ezra, telephone interviews by Kitty Axelson-Berry, Lau- rie Salame, Florida, January 2003 Axelson-Berry,


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