Historical Background and Interviews
Bibliography and Sources
Ayalon, editor. Ludvipol Veterans Association, 1965 Zamoyski, Adam. The Polish Way: A Thousand-Year History of the Poles and Their Culture. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988 Articles Abramowitz, Leah. “World War II refugees borrowed identities from Jewish Brigade.” Jerusalem Post Service, Jewish Bulletin News, August 30, year unknown Juchniewicz, Mieczyslaw. “Polacy w radzieckim ruchu podziem- nym I partyzantskim 1941-1944.” Publication unknown. War- saw, 1973 Kovalchik, Pavlo. “Antisemitska diyalnist ukrainskikh nationalis- tiv.” Publication unknown. Kiev, 1965 Samchuk, Ulas. “We Shall Conquer the Cities.” Volhyn, Septem- ber 1, 1941 Archives American Joint Distribution Committee, 711 Third Avenue, New York City Beth Hatefutsoth, Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Di- aspora, Tel Aviv. University Campus, Klausner Street, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland Zentrale Stelle, Landesjustizverwaltungen, 714 Ludwigsburg, Germany Simon Wiesenthal Center, Israel Office, 1 Mendele Street, Jerusalem United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallen- berg Place, SW, Washington, D.C. Yad Vashem, The Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, Jerusalem Websites www.army.mil (U.S. Army)
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