Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

Aharon Golub’s KADDISHEL is a moving depiction of the world before the Holocaust, his experience throughout the long ordeal and the reconstitution of his life in its aftermath. Passion for Israel — the State and the Jewish people — permeates this work as does the lasting impact of the love of land and language that was imparted to him in the Tarbut School of his town, Ludvipol. He has borne witness in exemplary fashion and all who read this work will be touched. — Michael Berenbaum Director, Sigi Ziering Institute and Professor of Theology The University of Judaism Los Angeles, California

This book is rich with memories and with history, with the richness of Jewish culture. Reading it is a truly rewarding experience. — Arthur Kurzweil

It was a fascinating story, and one can only have admiration for people who went through all that and then managed to recreate “normal” lives and establish loving families. — James Wald

Associate Professor of History Director, Center for the Book Hampshire College, School of Social Science

ISBN: 1-932687-47-5 U.S. $21.95

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