Aharon Golub, Kaddishel: A Life Reborn

the Jewish People. Sadly this was not the last tragedy inflicted upon the Jewish People. The savagery of October 7, 2023 and the resulting Israel-Hamas war has sparked a frightening torrent of global antisemitism. Grandpa Aharon’s final reflec- tions in the book ring louder than ever: “By knowing what happened, future generations of Jews will be more vigilant and understand the necessity for strong support for Israel, so that we are never again as vulnerable as we were in Europe. Perhaps they will be able to prevent another disaster before it occurs.” He goes on to posit, “In this world, the weak do not get privileges. Thus Israel must be a nation equal to other nations. Only by being strong and having our own state, one that is economically viable and militarily strong, will our people be respected.” But Grandpa Aharon’s tale of survival and the legacy of the Holocaust is more important than just that. It is a savage reminder of the most horrendous cruelty some humans can inflict on other humans; ones who are considered subhuman or part of “the other.” Recalling the Holocaust is jarring not only because of the terrible deeds done, but also because it highlights something dormant within each one of us. The most monstrous demons within our own human nature. The ability to overlook empathy in favor of tribalism. His tale should serve as a reminder that hatred has no bounds, and must be carefully safeguarded against with education, compassion, and love. However, Grandpa Aharon’s legacy is even greater. His nearly mysti- cal ability to rise from the ashes, like a phoenix, and overcome his losses is monument to the resilience of the human spirit. His indefatigable determi- nation to carry on with love, warmth, and humility has forever changed us. He was an inspiration to all, and I was very proud to be his grandson.

With great appreciation,

Phillip Golub May 2024 With support from my sisters Alex and Jill Golub, and wife, Mojgan Rastegar


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