Provenir for Customer Management

Key Benefits: • Proactively manage risk and target consumer growth to increase revenue and reduce losses • Continuous improvement through Champion/Challenger testing • Smarter decisions through effective management of risk exposure in customer management and collections through flexible data orchestration with easy integration to Provenir Data and Marketplace • Augmented and alternative data to get 360 views of your customers’ financial health • Spot deterioration of customers with trend data to alert to pre-delinquency • Utilize a variety of available data sources, including fraud, bureau, alternative, and open banking to more accurately predict behaviour and ability to pay Choose Provenir To: Find Appropriate Upsell and Cross-Sell Opportunities: Effectively manage loan renewals and credit line management, with targeted, personalized offers to the right customers at the right time. Evaluate and launch new products quickly and support expanded regional product launches. Proactively Manage and Mitigate Risk: Increase revenue by reducing risk of first payment defaults and continually assess and improve portfolio performance. Optimize Collections Strategies: Add intelligence and adaptive strategies to optimize treatment approach for pre- and post-delinquent accounts and combine qualitative and quantitative data through machine learning to enhance and improve decisioning. Analyze Customer Portfolios: Seamless business intelligence and embedded reporting allows you to analyze your customer portfolios quickly and easily.

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