TS&L Seed Company Salinas: 831.758.9876
Holaday Seed Company Salinas: 831.796.0504
Santa Maria Seeds Salinas: 831.595.0102 Salinas: 831.970.4956 Yuma: 928.215.9954
Gowan Seed Company Yuma: 928.580.2484 Salinas: 831.679.1900
Broccoli Seedlings Need aHero
Our heroes come prepared to put pests in their place, soyoung broccoli gets a safe start.
Valent’s NipsIt is a seed applied plant protectant for broccoli and lettuce, which actively controls bagrada bugs through the critical 3-4 week seedling phase. NipsIt has also shown significant activity on cabbage maggots. 1 Seed Dynamics applies the protectant to the seeds themselves, through a safe and controlled delivery. With NipsIt your seeds can thrive, while fending off threats of early damage. Get a hero from Seed Dynamics, the seed protection pros. Call 866.321.9747 or choose a dealer listed above. Visit SeedDynamics.com
1 Joseph,SV,Grettenberger, IM,Godfrey,LD,Zavala,N (2017).Susceptibilityofgerminatingcruciferousseeds to Bagradahilaris (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae) feeding injury.Arthropod-Plant Interactions11:577-590
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