Welcome to Hollis Morgan LIVE ONLINE Auctions…STREAMED LIVE on our webs
BE A PART OF BRISTOL AND THE WEST COUNTRY ' S Biggest LIVE Property Event DID YOU KNOW? Hollis Morgan was the most successful Auctioneer in Bristol & North Somerset in 2018-2019 and regularly hold the largest property auctions across Bristol and the West Country. Since we formed in 2010 we have sold the most £££'s of land and property by Public Auction in the region – EVERY YEAR! why H o llis M o r g an ? Hollis Morgan sold more £££’s of Land and Property in both 2018 and 2019 than any other auctioneer in the region. In fact, no auctioneer has sold more than Hollis Morgan since 2010 with over £289m of sales – £95m MORE than anyone else .
We a c hieve the best prices – o n avera g e 27% ab o ve the gu ide pri c e Brist o l’s most experienced auctioneer a ndrew M o r g an MB e online adverts with auction specific premium listings o n b o th Ri g htm o ve and Z oo pla Hi g h pr o file re g i o nal weekly press campaign
online Mailing list of over 20,000 a c tive b u yers loc al, National, Regional and International a u dien c e Regional Office co verin g Brist o l and the West c ou ntry. Biggest catalogue and widest range o f pr o perties LIVE online auctions and marketplace
the widest range of
property from across the region
*Source EIG – Sales in BS and GL postcodes by agents based in BS or GL postcodes. Sales in BS postcodes 2018 & 2019 by agents based in BS excluding firms selling less than 3 lots.
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