58 شواطئ
Shawati’ 58
لذلك قمنا بجمع أفضل السياسات المبنية على الأدلة التي تفضل الأطعمـة الصحيـة علـى الأطعمـة المضـرة، والمشـي علـى الأقـدام علـى التنقـل بالسـيارات وغيـر المدخّنيـن علـى المدخّنيـن. فوجدنـا أكثـر مـن مئـة سياسـة ونظـام يمكـن أن يسـاعدوا النـاس [بالاوعـي] علـى التحـرّك أكثـر وتنـاول كميـات أقـل مـن السـعرات المضــرة وكميــات أكثــر مــن الســعرات المفيــدة، والعيــش تحقيقــا لهــدف بالحيــاة وإقامــة مزيــد مــن التواصــل الاجتماعــي. ونقــدّم لأفـراد هـذه المجتمعـات شـهادات فـي حـال قامـوا بتطبيـق ثمانـي سياســات علــى الأقــل ضمــن كل فئــة. ويمكــن لذلــك أن يكــون لــه أثـر هائـل. لــم نكــن يومــاً فــي مدينــة لــم نحقــق فيهــا تحسّــناً. فــي فــورت بالمئــة، وانخفضــت 6 وورث، تدنّــى مؤشــر كتلــة الجســم بنحــو أننا Gallup بالمئة واحتسـبت مؤسسـة 10 نسـبة التدخين بنسـبة وفّرنــا علــى هــذه المدينــة مــا يقــارب ربــع مليــار دولار ســنوياً مــن تكاليف الرعاية الصحية التي يمكن تفاديها. فإنّ الأمر ينجح إذاً. [] ¡ ¢£ ¤¥ ¦ §¨ ©¦ ª¤« ¦ ¬ ¨® ¤ ¯° ± ²² ³´µ ¶·¸ ² .¡¹ §º¡ ¨ » ·¶°¼¦¡½ ¾§¨¸ ¢£¿ ÀÁ¡ à Ĵ . · § . §Åµ ¿
socialise more. We offer [communities] certification if they implement at least eight policies in each category. That can have an enormous effect. We’ve never been in a city that we haven’t improved. In Fort Worth, their BMI went down by about 6 per cent, smoking went down by about 10 per cent and Gallup calculated that we saved that city about a quarter of a billion dollars every year in needless healthcare costs. So it’s working. Can you share some of the secrets from The Blue Zones challenge, that will help readers create unconscious nudges towards healthier behaviour in their own lives? The average American consumes about 500 more calories a day than they need. How do you engineer those calories out There are over a hundred designs and policies that will help people [unconsciously] move more, eat fewer bad calories and more good calories, know and live their purpose and socialise more. We offer [communities] certification if they implement at least eight policies in each category. That can have an enormous effect.
Dan Buettner on Megyn Kelly TODAY. © Getty Images.
of your day? The easiest thing is to cook at home. Research shows that if you go out to eat you consume about 300 more calories mindlessly than if you eat at home. The first thing is to try a few new plant-based recipes that you and your family will like. The average American eats out 110 times a year, if we could get that down to 70 or 80, that’s a win. Secondly most of us are on what I call a “see-food” diet. We eat the food we see, and this has been proven by Cornell Food Lab. When you walk in your kitchen you want to remove all the prompts that make you think “junk food”. I’m not saying we’re not going to bring chips and cookies into our house, but you’ll eat a lot fewer of them if you put them out of the way in a junk food drawer. You want to take the toaster off of the counter. People with a toaster on their counter weight more after a year or two than the people who take it off, because the toaster prompts us to put something in it, and it’s usually not healthy. Conversely, putting a nice fruit bowl in the centre of your kitchen, well- lit, increases fruit consumption mindlessly. Getting rid of the television set. If you have a TV in your kitchen you consume more mindless calories because you’re not paying attention to when you feel full. You mentioned having a purpose and values is important in Blue Zone areas. Is there a way people who don't know what their purpose is can start finding that out? Purpose is the cross-section between your values, your passions, what you’re good at and an outlet for those gifts.
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