Shawati' Issue 58

58 شواطئ



Shawati’ 58

as strongly today. Opera lovers in Buenos Aires, Beijing and Monaco can also thank Rolex for the ongoing excellence of institutions in their cities. Teatro Colón, the National Centre for the Performing Arts, and the Opéra de Monte-Carlo all benefit from the programme’s generosity. Strengthening opera institutions around the globe brings ongoing benefits to local citizens as well as visitors. Another way that Rolex helps encourages classical music culture to thrive is by supporting annual events that bring people together in an extravagant celebration of global artistry. The Vienna Philharmonic is renowned as one of the world’s finest orchestras, with exacting standards and a humanitarian message to share. For 80 years, it has performed a special concert on the morning of New Year’s Day, focused on the music of Johann Strauss and his contemporaries. Rolex has been the Exclusive Partner of this prestigious orchestra since 2008, and, since January 2009, the Exclusive Sponsor of the New Year’s Concert. The Vienna Philharmonic also plays a series of Summer Night Concerts every May or June to around 100,000 people who gather in the Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn. As with the New Year’s Concert, this been presented by Rolex annually since 2009, while the Whitsun Festival, a week-long extension of the summer Salzburg Festival that features operas and concerts, has been supported by Rolex as an Exclusive Sponsor since 2012.

Summer Night Concert - The Vienna Philharmonic is widely acknowledged to be one of the world’s finest, upholding the greatest traditions in classical music. © Rolex / Julius Silver.

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Strengthening opera institutions around the globe brings ongoing benefits to local citizens as well as visitors. Another way that Rolex helps encourages classical music culture to thrive is by supporting annual events that bring people together in an extravagant celebration of global artistry. New York’s Metropolitan Opera [“the Met”] is another. The largest classical music organisation in North America, it was founded in 1883 and pays homage to its storied history while also moving with the times. The Met recently launched a live- streaming version of its performances that’s transmitted to movie theatres around the world. Along with a pioneering education and outreach programme, it’s a way of broadening access to top-tier culture. The Opéra National de Paris has a history that stretches back even further than the Met’s - to 1669, when it was founded by King Louis XIV to allow French opera to reach the heights of Italy’s. Rolex’s support allows this legacy to continue just

[T&B] The Opéra de Paris is the most esteemed opera company in France and one of the oldest of its kind in the world. © Rolex / Ambroise Tzenas. The National Centre for the Performing Arts [NCPA], Beijing, is the supreme palace of performing arts in China. © Rolex / Getty Images.

يسـهم دعـم مؤسسـات الأوبـرا مـن حـول العالـم فـي تقديم فوائد مستمرة إلى المواطنين المحليين وإلى الــزوّار علــى حــدّ ســواء. كمــا تســهم رولكــس أيضــا بالتشجيع على ازدهار ثقافة الموسيقى الكلاسيكية من خلال دعمها للاحتفالات الفنية السنوية المبهرة التـي تسـتقطب النـاسعلـى اختلاف مشـاربهم. يعـرف عـن أوركسـترا فيينـا الفيلهارمونيـة أنهـا مـن الأشـهر فـي العالـم، وتتسـم بمعاييـر صارمـة ورسـالة 80 إنســانية تتشــاركها مــع العالــم. فهــي تقــدّم منــذ عامـاً حفلـةً خاصـةً فـيصبـاح رأس السـنة تركّز على موســيقى يوهــان شــتراوس ومعاصريــه. وشــركة رولكــس هــي الشــريك الحصــري لهــذه الأوركســترا كمـا أنهـا أصبحـت أيضـا 2008 المرموقـة منـذ العـام الراعـي الحصـري لحفلـة السـنة الجديـدة اعتبـاراً مـن . 2009 ينايــر وتـؤدي أوركسـترا فيينـا الفيلهارمونيـة أيضاً سلسـلة مــن الحفــلات الليليــة الصيفيــة فــي شــهر مايــو أو ألــف شــخص، 100 يونيــو، يحضرهــا أكثــر مــن يتجمّعــون فــي قصــر شــونبرون وحدائقــه. وكمــا هــي الحــال فــي حفلــة رأس الســنة، فــإن رولكــس ، كمــا 2009 ترعــى هــذه الحفــلات ســنوياً منــذ العــام تقــدّم رولكــس أيضــاً الرعايــة الحصريــة لمهرجــان ، وهــو امتــداد 2012 منــذ العــام Whitsun لأســبوع لمهرجــان ســالزبورغ الصيفــي الــذي يضــم الأوبــرا والحفــلات.

The Metropolitan Opera, New York, the vibrant home of the world’s most creative and talented operatic artists, is the largest classical music organisation in North America. © Rolex / Ambroise Tzenas.

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