Board Converting News, January 29, 2024

Koenig & Bauer Highlights (CONT’D FROM PAGE 26)

Suppliers: Leverage Our Reach

department, or sent directly to the shipping department and a waiting customer. The contingent of American box makers attending the demonstration were duly impressed by Koenig & Bauer Celmacch’s technology and expressed satisfaction with the detailed answers they received from Cepac’s opera- tors and project managers.

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“We’ve shown our North American converters on this visit how they will be able to produce more high quality flexo post-print work while achieving the greatest die cut- ting precision in the least amount of time,” said Koenig & Bauer’s Tom Fitzgerald, before ushering the group back to Manchester Airport for an evening flight to Hamburg, Germany. Day 3 (Thursday) began early, with a two-hour bus ride southwest to Delmenhorst for another Koenig & Bauer machine demonstration at Klingele Paper and Packaging Group, a global supplier of paper and corrugated packag- ing solutions. Founded in 1920, the family-owned compa- ny is now being run by third-generation steward Dr. Jan Klingele. In its paper and packaging divisions alone, the compa- ny owns three paper mills, thirteen corrugated plants, nine processing plants and one sheet plant each in Europe, Af- rica and Central and South America. In total, these facilities CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 The ChromaCUT X Pro’s “Flying Job Change” feature permits non-stop changeovers, which can accommodate the box mak- er’s demand for Just-In-Time production of ever shortening runs.


January 29, 2024

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