Alvance Purchases Former Aleris Plant In Duffel, Belgium Novelis Inc., headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, has sold the former Aleris plant in Duffel, Belgium, to Alvance, the aluminum business owned by London, England-based GFG Alliance. Previously, the European Commission and Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation determined that Novelis’ acquisition of Aleris, which closed earlier this year, could proceed on the condition that Novelis divest the Duf- fel plant to a third party that met certain buyer suitability requirements. Both regulators have approved Alvance as a suitable buyer and have permitted the sale to be completed. In November 2019, Paris, France-based Alvance agreed to acquire the Duffel facility for 310 million euros, or roughly $363 million.At closing September 30, Novelis received 210 million euros in cash, or roughly $246 million. The parties have agreed to a postclosing arbitration process regarding the payment of the remaining 100 million euros (roughly $117 million). The Aleris acquisition provides a strong proforma financial profile for Novelis with many strategic benefits and continues to be value accretive,with the long-term outlook in line with the original acquisition case, according to the company. The plant, to be renamed Alvance Aluminium Duffel, em- ploys approximately 1,000 people and annually produces 200,000 tons of aluminum rolled products. Machinex Provides Upgrades To Republic Services MRF Machinex, Quebec, has provided an upgrade to Republic Services’ single-stream material recover facility (MRF) in Greensboro, North Carolina, to increase productivity and recovery rates while reducing cleaning times. Republic chose to modernize its 20-year-old facility after its contract with the city of Greensboro was renewed in order to efficiently handle the incoming recyclables. Machinex designed a single-stream system to process 30 tons per hour of residential and commercial material with- in the current building while reusing some of the existing structural work and baler feed conveyors. Modernizing The system includes a new drum feeder and infeed sys- tem, OCC screen, fines screen, three ballistic separators, a glass cleanup system, an optical sorter for PET and HDPE, as well as a new magnet and eddy current separator. The main processing system is new and includes Ma- chinex’ MACH Ballistic separators as the primary and sec- ondary screening devices after the OCC and fines screens. No rubber discs are utilized in the system.According to Ma- chinex, the system will minimize aluminum loss since the ballistic separators do not use rubber discs that can wear over time, thus increasing the initial screen opening. Its el- liptical movement will also not wrap film or other stringy material, resulting in less maintenance, downtime and oper- ational costs, Machinex said.

Buyer’s Guide CONVEYORS ALLEGHENY SHREDDERS Old William Penn Hwy East • Delmont, PA 15626 (800) 245-2497 • Fax: (724) 468-5919 Website: www.alleghenyshredders.com E-mail: solutions@alleghenyshredders.com HUSTLER CONVEYOR CO. Website: www.hustler-conveyor.com E-mail: info@hustler-conveyor.com MAYFRAN INTERNATIONAL 6650 Beta Dr. (PO Box 43038) • Cleveland, OH 44143 (440) 461-4100 • Fax: (440) 461-5565 4101 Crusher Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 441-8600 • Fax: (636) 441-8611

Website: www.mayfran.com E-mail: info@mayfran.com

SIERRA INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY 1620 E Brundage Ln • Bakersfield CA 93307 (800) 343-8503

Website: www.sierraintl.com E-mail: info@sierraintl.com

VAN DYK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS 78 Halloween Blvd. • Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 967-1100 • Fax: (203) 967-1199 Website: www.vdrs.com Email: info@vdrs.com


HUSTLER CONVEYOR CO. 4101 Crusher Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63368 (636) 441-8600 • Fax: (636) 441-8611 Website: www.hustler-conveyor.com E-mail: info@hustler-conveyor.com SIERRA INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY 1620 E Brundage Ln • Bakersfield CA 93307 (800) 343-8503

Website: www.sierraintl.com E-mail: info@sierraintl.com

VAN DYK RECYCLING SOLUTIONS 78 Halloween Blvd. • Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 967-1100 • Fax: (203) 967-1199 Website: www.vdrs.com Email: info@vdrs.com

8 October 12, 2020 Recycling Markets


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