
communautaire Le lien community link The J’écris ma vie La rencontre annuelle de l’Association J’écris ma vie se tiendra le 24 mai 2014 à l’hôtel Ramada Inn, au 805, avenue Brookdale, Cornwall, à 9h. Les membres et non-membres sont invités à cette journée. Pour plus de renseignements, les intéressés peuvent appeler Pierrette Lemieux au 613 938-3979 ou à Marie- Paule Villeneuve au 613 933-8576. Le Club Plein Air de Cornwall Le Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air vous invite à explorer le fleuve Saint- Laurent avec votre canot ou kayak, le 14 mai à 18h. La mise à l’eau aura lieu au bout du chemin Avonmore, entre Corn- wall et Long Sault. Les non-membres sont les bienvenus. Pour plus de détails, Chrissy, 819 665-0504 ou www.corn- Le Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air organise un souper au restaurant Sol de Acapulco (anciennement le Bavarian Bierstube), à Ingleside, le 16 mai à 18h, pour ensuite prendre une marche à la belle étoile sur le sentier pédestre pour écouter le chant de la rainette. Les non- membres sont les bienvenus. Pour de plus amples détails, John, 613 935-4531.


Cooking circle receives support


CORNWALL | Seniors in Cornwall and the United Counties of SD&G will soon have new opportunities to take part in social and educational activities. Seniors in Stor- mont-Dundas and South Glengarry will receive financial support for the Cooking Circle, announced Guy Lauzon on May 5, on behalf of the Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State for seniors. Lauzon will be announcing over $170,000 in projects in the coming months through the New Horizons for Seniors Program. The first local project announced will see the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre re- ceiving $25,000 for their project, The Cook- ing Circle. The said project will increase social par- ticipation of older adults through an inter- generational culinary cooking program to increase knowledge of nutrition. In part- nership with the Boys and Girls Club and TR Leger Immigrant Services, Seaway Valley Community Health Centre staff will support older adults as they mentor youth through the transfer of culinary knowledge. Stu- dents will earn their required high school community service hours while they share their expertise in technology. Older adults and youth interested in participating can register by contacting Seaway Valley Com- munity Health Centre at 613-936-0306.

Submitted photo

Guy Lauzon announced, on May 5, that The Cooking Circle will be receiving finan- cial support from the Federal Government. The project is aimed at seniors who want to participate in social and educational activities. Pictured is Debbie St John-deWit, executive director of the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre, Stephanie Hem- merick, Health Promotion coordinator, MP Guy Lauzon, Jessica McLeod, registered dietitian and Chris Clapp, coordinator of Community Health andWellness Programs On May 11, the Kashechewan First Nation community declared an emergency due to increased flooding and infrastructure failures and ordered the evacuation of the northern Ontario community of approximately 2,000 residents. The Nav Centre in Cornwall has been contracted by federal and provincial officials as a temporary shelter for approximately 360 Kashechewan evacuees who are expected to arrive on May 12. Some will be arriving by plane at Cornwall Regional Airport while others will be flown to Ottawa and transported to the Nav Centre. The City of Cornwall has also been contracted to assist with specific services for the evacuees such as with transportation. Thunder Bay, Greenstone and Kapuskasing are also accommodat- ing evacuees from Kashechewan. Nav Centre to become temporary shelter

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Maintenant disponible sur : Now available on:

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Johnson’s Antiques ~ CORNWALL ~


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