King's Business - 1964-11

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N o gift is more in keeping with the spirit o f Christmas .'*&§. Every Cambridge Bible is bound by the careful hand o f a skilled craftsman. Every Cambridge Bible is covered by an Unconditional Guarantee. King James Version. All are printed on fine India paper and contain center references. Concordance, pronouncing aids, and maps. 23 carat gold edges. Some styles have the words of Christ printed in red. Concord. Large print edition, su X 8-5/16" 16X — French Morocco binding. $11.95; 16XRL — Red Letter printing. $12.50 26XRL — Morocco binding. Red Letter printing. $17.50

26XD3 — Handgrained Morocco binding, leather lined. $21.00 Compact. Palm size edition, -t*s%" 61X — Ariston binding. $5.95 W61X — White Ariston binding. $6.95


63X — Handgrained Morocco binding, leather lined. $12.00 Cameo. Easy-reading edition. 4%x6%» 75X — French Morocco binding. $8.95; 75XRL — Red Letter printing. $9.50 23XD3 — Handgrained Morocco binding, leather lined. $18.50 with 160 page Bible Dictionary 30X - Spanish Morocco binding. $12.50; 30XRL — Red Letter printing. $12.95

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