never put anyone into such a terri ble place as that!) and you seem to think there are many ways by which one may reach Heaven. Now I know there are many gods and many creeds in this world to day. Moreover, cults and isms will continue to increase, for men and women with unregenerate hearts often love to make a show of reli gion. But remember that Jesus said, “ I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Just before I left you to catch my plane, you said that you had chosen psychology as your major at college. And you proudly spoke of your abil ity to shut out of your mind the things you do not wish to think about, which I must admit is quite all right, up to a certain point. For surely we should not dwell on our past disappointments and failures, nor harbor doubts or fears, or any thought which would cause us to fret or worry. But I would warn you that it is a dangerous thing, indeed, to close one’s mind to Gospel truth. When you were in my Sunday school class, years ago, I thought you were a saved girl. Now you are so rebellious I am beginning to won der if you were ever truly born again. After all, there are many pro fessing Christians in our churches who do not really possess Christ. This was true even in Paul’s day. Therefore that mighty man of God admonished all believers, and those who posed as such, to examine them selves; to make sure they were in the faith. Judy, you cannot afford to go on as you are any longer. You need also to do some real heart-search ing: to get alone with God and with His Word. After all, why should you keep on trying to run away from the Lord? Has He not proved His love, by taking upon Himself all our sins at Calvary? And did He not overcome death, physically and spiritually, by His resurrection from the grave? Listen to these gracious words, which He speaks even now to every needy heart: “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him” (Rev. 3:20). Oh, Judy, there is danger in delay. We have no claim whatsoever on tomor row. “Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6 :2 ). So settle this grave matter at once, by opening wide your heart’s door to the Lord Jesus Christ. FQr there is no other Saviour, no other way, no other life! Your true friend, Ellen West.
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