King's Business - 1964-11

Pays $100Weekly From First Day, Even ForLife! FREE! Ball Point Pen SOUVEN IR OF VALLEY FORGE Actually writes in Gold Ink! Mailed to you with No Obligation Information SOUVENIR Of VALLEY FORGE, PA. We offer you this attractive, useful gift FREE for letting us send you, with no obligation, complete details about the low-cost GOLD STAR hospitalization plan for folks who don't drink. Your pen will be mailed as soon as we receive your name and address on the attached card.

A S a non-drinker, GOLD STAR offers you special con- f * - sideration. If you are carrying ordinary hospitalization insurance, your premiums are helping to pay for accidents, illnesses, and hospital bills of drinkers. Alcoholism is now our nation’s No. 3 health problem, ranking immediately behind heart disease and cancer. Until now, your insurance cost as much as those who drink. Now, with rates based on the superior health records of non-drinkers, GOLD STAR rewards you for not drinking! GOLD STAR pays you $100.00 per week (or $14.28 per day ), from your first day in the hospital, and as long as you are there, even for life! Claim checks are sent directly to you, for you to spend as you see fit — for hospital or doctor’s bills, mortgage payments, food — anything you wish. And the present low rate on your policy can never be raised as you grow older, no matter how many claims you file, but only if the rates for all policyholders are changed! Can You Afford To Be Sick? One out of every seven people will spend some time in the hospital this year. A fall on the stairs or on the sidewalk, a sudden illness or operation could put you in the hospital for weeks, even months. Could you afford a long siege in the hospital, with costly doctors’ bills, expensive drugs and medicines? Many people lose their savings, their cars, even their homes. Don’t take chances! Remember — once the doctor says it’s your turn to enter the hospital, you can’t buy coverage at any price. Find out NOW how much this great GOLD STAR Policy NLH (Rev. 3-64) saves you. Then later, if you do want a policy, we’ll even send it on a 10-Day Money-Back Guar­ antee— to be checked by your lawyer, doctor, or other trusted advisor. TIME IS PRECIOUS! If you don’t drink, act quickly. Without cost or obligation, get this card into the mail TODAY.

Compare These Important GUARANTEED Benefits

No Age Limit. Same liberal benefits whether you are 1 or 101! Only You Can Cancel! That’s right — you may renew your policy for your entire lifetime if you so desire. The company can never cancel your policy because you have too many claims or because you grow older. Of course, if there is deception in making application the policy may be ineffective. No Waiting Period. That’s right. There is no waiting period before your coverage goes into full effect, and GOLD STAR pays from the very first day you enter the hospital. No Salesman Will Visit You. Your policy is mailed to your home. Claim checks are sent via mail, directly to you. Effective Anywhere In The World. GOLD STAR has satisfied policyholders in all 50 states and in many foreign countries. You Pay Only For Protection. No policy fees or mem­ bership dues! Up To $6000.00 Benefit for accidental loss of eye­ sight or limbs. Only Conditions Not Covered: Every kind of sickness and accident is covered, except hospitalization caused by the use of alcoholic bev­ erages or narcotics, mental or nervous disorders, any act of war, pregnancy, or conditions existing prior to issuance of policy. Everything else IS covered! These proper exceptions help to keep GOLD STAR rates lower for YOU!

The GOLD STA R Plan policies, available, effective and paying claim s in all 50 states, are underwritten by the NATIONAL LIBERTY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Valley Forge, Pennsylvania which is licensed solely under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and which carries full legal reserves for the protection of its policyholders.

READ WHAT THESE LEADING AMERICANS SAY: S. S. KRESGE, founder of the S. S. Kresge Co., with over 800 stores: " I ’m delighted that non-drinkers are now rewarded by insurance with the Gold Star Plan H O N . F R A N K CARLSON, U. S. Senator, Kansas: “As a teetotaler, I am delighted that Arthur De M o ss has worked out a practical plan to provide hospitali­

F IL L OUT AND M A IL THE POSTAGE-PAID CARD NOW! Full Information will be MAILED to you . . . absolutely FREE! NO SALESMAN will visit you . .. now or ever M A I L T H I S . CA RD T O D A Y

at substantial savings. Gold Star’s popu­ larity indicates that it is the right answer to the question of drinking and hospitali­ zation." zation for non-drinkers at a reduced cost. I would urge those who are concerned about their financial security to take ad­ vantage of this excellent opportunity.” GOLD STAR is the only hospital plan endorsed and recommended by over 50 nationally known leaders.

Published monthly by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, California 90017. Second-class postage paid at Los Angeles. California.


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