200,000 COPIES PROVE IT! (besides 6 foreign language editions) The world’s best seller on prayer. Here are 21 chapters, 328 big pages full of Bible teaching on prayer. Heart-warming, faith-building experi ences. Hundreds have been inspired to pray successfully for cars, houses, for jobs, for loved ones raised from sick beds, for souls saved, for the power of the Holy Spirit as they read this great best seller. PRAYER ASKING AND RECE IVING by Evangelist JOHN R. RICE, D.D., LITT.D.
I. The Need for Revival. A. The Christian philosophy of history. B. The individual, our weakness as well as our hope. II. Conditions of Revival. A. Humble themselves. B. Pray for one another. (James 5:16) C. Seek the Lord’s pardon. (Isaiah 55:6, 7) D. Turn from their wicked ways. (I Peter 4:17, 18) III. Results of Revival. A. “ I will hear from heaven.” B. “And forgive their sins.” C. “And will heal their land.” Conclusion: Two-fold Invitation: A. Christian — renew your cove nant. B. Sinner — turn to Him who alone can save. PATHS TO REPENTANCE Romans 2:1-16 Man’s greatest need is to realize his need. I. The Moral Man’s Inexcusable ness. II. The Certainty of Judgment. III. The Goodness of God. IV. The Nature of Judgment. Conclusion: Unless our sins are hid den beneath the blood of Christ, they shall be exposed to the gaze of the universe. EDITORIAL (cont. from page 9) ing most earnestly with them to stop their race riots “ until after the elec tions” for fear of the “white back lash.” These haters o f America and everything that is American are being respectfully requested to de sist from their destructive program, at least temporarily. But those who would dare to oppose the present governmental trends are being in timidated and threatened with the loss of one of our most valued Amer ican liberties — the freedom of speech. Our beloved country is, today, one of the last few remaining citadels of religious liberty to be found any where in the world. It would appear from many, many indications that this freedom is about to be snatched away from us. The trends are nu merous, obvious and frightening in deed. And if our children and chil dren’s children are forced to live in a land where liberty and religious freedom as we have known it have ceased to exist, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. They will have every reason to hold us in con tempt for our complacency and in difference toward the glorious heri tage which our forbearers handed down to us and which we so shame fully betrayed by failing to preserve and to pass on to them.
H. A. IR O N SID E : “ . . one _of the most interesting, refreshing, and conclusive works on Prayer we have ever consulted.” R. G. LEE: “ I have read many books on prayer, and Dr. Rice’s book on prayer is among the best. Abundant with Bible quotations and references, it lays warm and sympathetic hands on practical life. . . . For me there is not a dull line in the book. Not once does he strike any jarring notes. Not once does he sound a trumpet of uncertain tone . . . a book I hope will find a place in every church library, every home library, every preach er’s library, and among every teacher’s stock of books.” DR. W. A. C R ISW E L L : “It is a tremendously interesting book. No Bible-believing, God-fearing, Christ-honoring, soul-loving Christian could read it without great profit and encouragement. . . . I do say that it is a Spirit-breathed volume . . . ” K IN G 'S BU SIN E SS: “ . . . a great work . . . a very exhaustive study, each one of the 21 chapters giving evidence of much prayer and re search, and then the conclusions are clinched by real-life stories.” KB M A IL COUPON TODA Y ! Sword of the Lord BOX 1099, M U R F R E E S B O R O . T E N N E S S E E Please send me----- ------------ copies of P R A Y E R by John R. Rice. I enclose $3.50 for each copy, plus 154 postage per book. Name__________________ _______________ A dd ress_______ _____ _______________________ _____ C ity.--------------------------- Zone____ State____________ □ Send free book catalog mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJI
1. A Prayer-Hearing God 2. Why Pray? 3. Prayer Is Asking 4. The Answer to Prayer Is Receiving 5. Praying for D a i l y Bread 6. A s k i n g Bread for Sinners 7. Praying for Healing 8. Praying for Healing, Cont’d. 9. P r a y for Anything and Everything You Want 10. Praying in the Will of God 11. Definite Praying 12. “Have Faith in God” 13. Just Pray 14. Praying Through 15. Why Fast and Pray? 16. Big Prayers to an Almighty God 17. Does God Work Mir acles Today? 18. Mi r a c l e s T o d a y , Cont’d. 19. Hindrances to Prayer 20. Hindrances to Prayer, Cont’d. 21. The Sin of Prayerless- ness You can learn to pray in the will of God, live a life of answered prayer. G ET W H A T YOU N EED FROM A P R A Y E R -H E A R IN G GODI From your book store or use coupon here.
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