find it easy once you start talking about it. IS A CHILD EVER TOO YOUNG TO BE SAVED? Q. What would you do when a seven- year-old child expresses a desire to be saved and to be baptized but the parents think the child is too young? This youngster has above average understanding. A. Since the child belongs to his parents, your responsibility is to talk with them about their child’s desires. I would suggest that you discuss three things with the child’s par ents. First, what is the meaning of salvation? Secondly, what is the meaning o f baptism? And, thirdly, just how much understanding and maturity is involved in accepting Christ as one’s personal Saviour and following Him in baptism? Very often when parents under stand what the child wants to do they are very cooperative. I suppose that in this case the parents them selves may not attend church and are not Christians. By talking to them about the above points, they will not only gain an understanding o f what the child is doing but they will realize that there is a need in their own lives. It is also very effective to place brief, pointed materials on these sub jects in the hands of the parents. No doubt you will want to talk with them several times. Do not leave the child alone in this seeming misunderstanding between himself, his parents and his Sunday school teacher. Explain to him that his parents are seriously considering it and that no doubt in time they will be very happy for him to be baptized but that in the meantime he can put his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and can live a wonder ful life for the Lord. T H E K IN G 'S BUSINESS
A. Such treatment is usually an in dication of a maladjustment on the part of the parent who punishes severely. In other words, he is prob ably taking his maladjustment out on his own child. This is regrettable because it prevents a youngster from developing into a fine, wholesome adult who has a positive outlook on life. Severe punishment causes children to lose confidence in their parents so that the parents cannot have the good influence on them that they should. Furthermore, it wi l l probably cause the child to lose confidence in himself. People develop confidence by being successful and being recog nized by adults, especially their par ents. A child who is whipped too much will soon learn that he is not loved and appreciated and that he is not worthy of commendable atten tion. Of course the home is a place of habit formation and children do need definite boundaries and consistent, sensible discipline. However, parents are sometimes apt to follow the Biblical instruction o f “ children obey your parents” but completely forget God’s teaching, “ parents provoke not your children to wrath.” Certainly the two go together and provide a fine balance in raising children. NEW BOY FRIEND? Q. When you are tired of going steady how do you break off with out hurting the other person’s feel ings ? A. The best solution is an honest talk about the way you both feel. From this talk you should attempt to reach a friendly understanding. If either the boy or the girl is tired of going steady it is important to break the steady agreement. You’ll
Q. I am a student at a Christian college and have been dating a won derful Christian girl whom I intend to marry. Recently she has suffered from a breakdown and is now at home under psychiatric treatment. I had planned to go to the mission field but now I am very concerned about her con dition. What are the chances of her complete recovery ? A. I think you are very wise indeed to carefully consider your relation ship with this young lady who has a breakdown. Of course I could not know about the chance of her full recovery since I know so little about the details of the case. Furthermore, that would depend, to a great extent, upon the individual involved. People who re ceive psychiatric care in early stages of mental illness are much more like ly to recover more speedily than those who seek help long after their illness has been established. On the other hand, one might say that a person who is pre-disposed to mental illness at a very young age may be a more serious case than one who does not become ill until middle or later life. I would suggest that you pray much about this matter and that you give yourself plenty of time to make a decision. A wrong- step at this time would affect you for a lifetime. If God has called you to a foreign field of service, you must consider every ramification of the call. SEVERE PUNISHMENT Q, What happens to a boy six years of age whose parents, especially his father, always punish him severely? He is a very bright child but is afraid of his dad. 40
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