OpenYour Heart toOneofThese Sponsor a Korean Orphan in Thanksgiving for Your Blessings
Hyun Ouk (E-4) Man Duk (E-5) Doo Ree (E-6) Kyung Nam (E-7)
No Sa (E-8)
C h e s t e r became concerned about his unsaved friend. It was not easy to communicate with him as he lived in another city. They met only on rare occasions. He finally decided to write a letter to him. Chester realized that it was not an easy matter to write to a friend about his spiritual welfare. How should he introduce the subject? What if his friend resented the suggestion that he needed to receive Christ as his personal Saviour? He decided that his communication should be direct and personal, giving his own testimony about his Chris tian experience. So he wrote: “When we were together at your uncle’s funeral, there was something I very much wanted to tell you. So many other things seemed to demand our attention that there just wasn’t an opportunity for a personal con versation. Since we may not see each other for some time, I am writ ing to you about this. “Being a Christian and believing in Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour has given me the greatest possible satisfaction and happiness. It has helped me overcome a lot of worries and has given me a real purpose for living. Life seemed so meaningless to me before, but now I have a deep understanding of what it is all about. It has helped me in my work and in my family life. It has made my life worth living every day. “Bill, I am concerned about you. If you have not already received Jesus Christ as your personal Sav iour, why don’t you try it? I rec ommend it most highly. Why don’t you do it right now? Just ask Christ to forgive your sins and come into your life. Don’t put it off. It is too good to miss. Concerned C h r i s t i a n s surely have a friend, a relative, or an ac quaintance to whom they could write such a letter. Every Christian must know someone who needs Jesus Christ as his Saviour and to expe rience a new meaning in living. The problem may be how to communicate one’s concern and to tell the unsaved person about his own personal sat isfaction in being a Christian. Try writing.
Sui Hui (E-10) Yong On (E-ll)
Joo Lan (E-12)
PENNIES A DAY DOES IT! Act NOW Before Korea's Winter Starts Bring Christian loving care to a boy or girl of your choice in our orphanages. Only $10 a month—just 30 pennies a day— provides every necessity including shelter, food, clothing, medical and school supplies. Interest a co-sponsor, your Sunday school or other group.
You will get orphanage picture and history, life story, picture, and address of the orphan you select. You can write or send parcels as you wish. Replies are prompt, in English. Sponsors are t h r i l l e d with this personal contact. Many new sponsors are desperately needed to take in desolate children wandering the streets. Victims of Tragedy and Grief Kong le (E-1 ). Both his parents died in a suicide pact the day after Christmas in 1960. He was only 6. Many desperate Korean parents thus seek to “solve” their plight and leave orphaned children. Brought by city to us. Yung Soon (E-2). Her father, a laborer, died of disease in 1960. Whereabouts of mother unknown since she remarried in 1963. Brought to a C o m p a s s io n Home by an uncle. Ho Bong (E-3). Both parents have been confined at Boo-pyung Hospital with leprosy since he was 6. He was brought to our New Brightness Home to prevent contraction of the disease when his family could not care for him.
It would break your heart to see the desperation and want of Korean orphans wandering the streets homeless and hungry. Be one o f the many sponsors needed to help us rescue them and bring them up as future Christian leaders. Choose a child NOW! LARGEST WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA
C O M P A SSIO N . . . Cares for more than 22,000 Korean orphans. Maintains 175 orphanages (includes 11 homes for children of lepers, deaf, dumb, and blind children), supervised by Bible-believing staff and directors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean gov* ernment.
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Dr. Everett F. Swanson, Founder-Director □ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice i s ____________________ If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer Q Boy □ Girl -------- Age. With God’s help.T will send $10 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis continue any time. Please send child's picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ Please select a child for me and send par ticulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $------------------ All gifts are most welcome... income tax de ductible. □ Please send folder “How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan."
f i r n
interd I enominational, Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K114 7774 Irving Pk. Rd.vChicago, III. 60634 Ph.456-6116 Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario
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