King's Business - 1964-11

r- E . 3 V L C . I . _ All Independent, Conservative, Pastors and Churches, are invited to inquire about ordina­ tion and membership requirements. Write to: Dept. K


2057 Lawrence Ave.

Chicago 25, III.

CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship W A N T E D R E C R U I T S for both India and Pakistan Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free literature 107-K N. Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187

by Joyce Landorf

I T w a s a t A Christian Women’s Club luncheon and I was seated at the head table. While toying with my food, as most singers and speak­ ers do, and trying to ignore the but­ terflies that were holding their regu­ lar convention inside of me, the love­ ly woman seated next to me began a routine conversation about weather, clothes (we had both made our out­ fits), children, and our husbands. I began to be very aware of her great poise and beauty. It was not so much an outward beauty but a tremendous inner glow that so often accompanies a dedicated, relaxed Christian. As she spoke I was entranced by the very peace of God that quietly en­ veloped me. She was speaking about her children, their ages and then softly (I almost missed it), “ Our son would have been sixteen this year but he’s gone.” No bitterness, no tears nor self-pity just: “ He’s gone.” I asked her to tell me about it and for the next few minutes the three hundred other women in the room faded from my view as I be­ came absorbed in her story. She had been waiting for him to come home from school, just a year ago, and had looked out her living room window to watch for his bike. Just as he came into view, a drunk hit-and-run driver struck him. For a moment she stood frozen, then she raced for the door. “ As I began running down the road I knew he was already gone and when I reached him, he had gone, our high school honor student in science, our pride, our joy of a son, had gone. I threw my arms around his broken body and sobbed for the utter loneliness I felt. As I held him there, I thought for an in­ stant I knew what it was like for God to see His Son die. What utter heart­ break God endured for us! Then a quiet voice said, ‘He’s gone but if he’s gone from you then he’s with NOVEMBER, 1964

Christ.’ I was still clutching him close to me; our house was in an isolated district and no one else had come. I knew our son was a mar­ velous Christian so it was true. He was with the Lord, but what about me? What about my heartbreak? What about my loneliness? Still no­ body came. I thought I’ll never be able to take my arms away from him. I can’t let him go. No one can take him from me! Oh God, I’ll never be able to leave this spot in the street. I’ll never be able to re­ move this scene from my memory.’ Then the quiet voice again, ‘That’s right, unless you are able to com­ mit this to Me.’ For a stunned moment I hesitated and then said the words I knew I would have to say. ‘Father, You said to give thanks in everything. Did You mean this too? I think You did, so right now before I try to get up, I thank You for this son o f ours, for his ra­ diant Christian life and for what he meant to us while he was here. Now he is Yours.’ I then released him from my arms and calmly made the necessary a r r an g eme n t s , carried them out, and ever since t ha t moment this unfathomable peace has never left me, my husband or our other children.” She said all this in a quiet voice with just a hint of tears glistening in her eyes. In the next moment I found I was being introduced to sing and speak and it’s no wonder that I had a rather hard time finding my voice. This woman’s quiet beauty and peace had begun the moment she had been willing to thank God for her greatest tragedy. I began, even as I walked to the piano, to list my heartaches and to thank God for each of them. The first number I sang was for her. The first line reads, “He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater.”


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S#nd to Prayer Time, The King’s Business mage- tine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.


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