King's Business - 1964-11

F O R E V E R Y O N E ! PILGRIM’S PROGRESS IN MODERN ENGLISH by John Bunyan, retold by James H. Thomas At last this famous classic is avail­ able in the language of today, under­ standable by all ages. The inspiring record of Pilgrim and his journey has blessed uncounted multitudes. Now in this skillfully prepared moderni­ zation, the meanings long obscured

direct r e v e l a t i o n which Paul re­ ceived. — Reviewed by Robert L. Thomas. 141 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, $2.95. BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current Publications) THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS by Charles F. Pfeiffer. 119 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. A revised edition of the 1957 edition. Discovery and significance of the Scrolls. THE VOICE OF THE PROPHETS by Rudolph F. Norden. 161 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $2.75. Sixteen timely medita­ tions on texts from the sixteen Old Testament prophets. The author is editor of The Lutheran Campus Pastor. CHURCH AND STATE, THE STORY OF TWO KINGDOMS by J. Marcel Ius Kik. 150 pages; cloth; Thomas Nelson & Sons, New York; $3.75. An up-to-date historical survey of the relation­ ship between Church and State designed to lead up to the recent Supreme Court decision which removes prayer from the public schools. There is a wall, the author believes, between church and state, but it is legal, not moral or spiritual, and the founding fathers never dreamed of a secular state. WHEN JESUS CAME by Handel H. Brown. 160 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3.00. A devout and fresh approach to the nativity story against the background of the times in which it occurred. Salted with illustra­ tive material. THE QUEST FOR SERENITY bv G. H. Morling. 91 pages; paper or cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $1.25 or $2.50. The author takes the troubled soul through the "calm of sins forgiven," "faith's deepening rest," "ad­ justment to life's burdens," on into the real secret of personal relationship to Jesus Christ. He speaks from experience as well as from training. PRINCIPLES OF CONDUCT by John Murray. 272 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.25. Reissue of the 1957 edition of one of the best recent works on Biblical ethics. The author is Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. OUR LORD'S TEACHING ON PRAYER by E. M. Blaikelock. 60 pages; paper; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House. Grand Rapids; $1.25. A n exposi­ tion of the Lord's Prayer by the Professor of Classics at The University of Auckland, N. Z. THESE MY PEOPLE by Lillian Dickson. 121 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. Reissue of the 1958 printing of a most fascinating account of God's working in the native tribes of Formosa. THE CLIMAX OF THE AGES by Frederick A. Tatford. 256 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. THEY MET GOD edited by J. C. Wenger. 192 pages; cloth; Herald Press, scottdale, Pa.; $3.75. Thirty-three accounts of conversions of evange­ lists, poets, farmers, railroaders, businessmen, col­ lege presidents, and the like. Basic case studies and personal testimonies. ECUMENISM AND THE BIBLE by David Hede- gard. 236 pages; paper; Banner of Truth Trust, London; 4/6. A sane, careful, and in some places an exciting, criticism of the modern ecumenical movement, pointing out its origin, deviations, and failures to represent true Christianity. THE KING'S BUSINESS

An Introduction to the Apocryphal Books of The Old and New Testament By H. T. Andrews This book is an extensive revision of a book written around the turn of the century by H. T. Andrews, entitled The Apocryphal Books of the Old and New Testaments. The pur­ pose of the original work, and of this one as well, is to present the reader with a survey o f the early religious literature which did not earn a place in the Old and New Testaments. In addition to dealing with the Apoc­ rypha and Pseude-pigrapha, the more recent revision contains a chap­ ter summarizing the more significant portions of the Qumran literature, discovered in 1947 and known more popularly as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The reason for the revision is given as the advance o f Biblical scholarship since the appearance of the former edition. Certainly the in­ corporation of the studies of such men as R. H. Charles and R. H. Pfeiffer, plus the additional manu­ script discoveries, makes the present project eminently worthwhile. The revision will be found very helpful to the lay reader who desires a brief acquaintance with this litera­ ture, but the person who desires to do a more detailed study will find only a passing interest, due to the lack of documentation which would enable him to trace the many allu­ sions and quotations. Helpful descriptions regarding the condition of Jewish life and early Christian outlook are found in the volume. Perhaps the author over­ states the dependence of some New Testament writers upon these non- canonical books, however. For ex­ ample, evidence is cited from the Apocalypse of Baruch to show that Paul, in order to arrive at the the­ ology found in his epistles, simply purified and Christianized the Juda­ ism of his day. Probably there is some relationship, but such an out­ look does not do justice to the New Testament statements regarding the

by the language of the 17th century will be crystal clear, and Pilgrim's Progress will carry its in­ spiring message to a vastly expanded au­ dience.

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