by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College Shechem with its huge wall and big gates, the director of Jordanian De partment of Antiquities, Awni Da- jani, said recently. The expedi tion began work in 1956 and has so far spent $125,000 on excavations, which are going on near the mod ern Jordanian city of Nablus. Mr. Dajani said Shechem was one of the biggest Bronze Age cities in Jordan. It was the capital of a 1,000-square- mile state. He added that ruins of fortifications and gates, built in the 17th and 18th centuries B.C., could still be seen. The great temple, built during the 17th century B.C., is still standing. Jagan Said to Urge Shift Toward West Premier Cheddi B. Jagan is re liably reported to be urging leading members of his ruling People’s Pro gressive party to re-orient their thinking from the Communist East and to seek closer understanding and better relations with the United States, Britain, Canada and other Western nations. Premier Jagan is generally regarded as an extreme leftist and is accused by his oppo nents of being a Communist. He has refused to offer confirmation. Last May, Senator Janet Jagan, his wife, said in London and New York that she had never been a member of any Communist party. It was the first time that Mrs. Jagan had publicly denied this persistent accusation. Russian is Exiled for Liking West Boris Khurgin, a young man who wanted to go west, seems to be going east, to Siberia. The 19-year-old is the latest Soviet youth to be held up as an example of what happens to those who shun work and loiter around the foreign tourist hotels. His story appeared recently in the newspaper Moskava Komsomolets. Like others, he tried to adopt West ern ways. He called himself “ Bob” and made “ crazy plans to escape” from the Soviet Union. The names of the foreigners involved were not disclosed by the newspaper, but it mentioned “well-wishers in Califor nia” with whom he had correspond ed.
A staff of eight dedicated Christian psycholo gists and professional counselors. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre-marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35 So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif.
Protestants Win in Spanish Court The Spanish Supreme Court has directed that a permit be issued for the opening of a Protestant chapel in Valencia, Protestant sources said re cently. The decision was said to have overruled the one by the Interior Ministry. Ernesto Vellve, lawyer for the non-Catholic religious group, said the decision, handed down Jan. 20, represented the first case in which the court had overruled a de cision on Protestant church activity by a government agency. The court ruled that the Ministry’s position did not conform to law, and ordered that the permit be granted. By constitu tional provision of Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s regime, Roman Catholicism is “ the religion of the state” in Spain. However, a fur ther provision forbidding any “ ex ternal ceremonies or manifestations other than those of the Catholic re ligion” has not been strictly enforced in recent years. Restrictions on Protestantism in Spain have under gone some liberalization in the last few years, influenced by decisions of the Supreme Court and a proposed draft law on religious liberty. In the last year more than a dozen Protes tant churches have reopened with permission of Spanish authorities. There are about 30,000 Protestants in Spain, in a population of 28 mil lion. Roman Catholicism is the offi cial state religion. Protestants are permitted private worship, but must show no public manifestations of their faith. Until recently this meant there could be no identifying signs outside church buildings or an nouncements of services. Proselytiz ing is prohibited, as are Protestant religious journals, church schools, cemeteries, seminaries and other in stitutions. Protestant churches are not legally recognized as churches; they must operate as “ foreign com mercial firms.”
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Biblical City of Shechem Unearthed by U.S. Team
An American archaeological ex pedition, led by Prof. Ernest Wright of Harvard University, has un earthed the Old Testament city of
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