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A layman’s commentary for busy Christians that will richly reward you for the investment of only a few minutes each day as you travel through the Bible with this famous Bible teacher. Great in­ spiring truths are stimu- latingly presented.

B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R W h il e D a d a n d M o t h e r were in Israel, they received a letter from the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. David Lash (our Sharon). They both thanked us for the lovely wedding, raved about their fabulous wedding trip up the coast, extolled the joys of marriage and the virtues o f each other. What has stuck in Mother’s mind is the way the groom signed off: “ Thank you for raising such a sweet girl. She’s a wonderful wife. With love, David, your 14th.” It took a few moments for that “ your 14th” to sink in. Ah, yes! Five of our nine offspring married. Nine plus five equals 14, if today’s revised math hasn’t changed the verdict of Mother’s school days. The addition to (not lessening of) the clan puts greater spiritual re­ sponsibilities upon us parents. Life, measured in terms of personalities and relationships, does not become less complex. This is one of the many reasons we must enlarge our prayer life to include another mar­ riage and home. Christian parents know that the only foundation for marriage is the Rock, Christ Jesus. One o f the growing tragedies of our times is the senseless interfer­ ence of parents into their children’s marriages. With the passing of the “moonlight and roses” stage of mar­ riage, children need parental under­ standing and encouragement to work at building, not destroying, their marriage. The discovery of the partner’s “ clay feet” can be dev­ astating if parents promote a “ give- it-up” attitude. Is it because some parents haven’t succeeded in their own marriages that almost unconsciously they don’t want, or expect, their children to succeed? God give us believing cou­ ples who will give the world an un­ sullied picture of Christ and His Church because the Word teaches that marriage at the human level is a picture of this spiritual rela­ tionship. “ That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle . . . holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27).

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