King's Business - 1964-11

it does makea

diference whereyou train! Valuable on-the-job

M ISSION A R Y 'S THANK S Ever since we received our first copy o f THE K ING ’S BU SINESS we have meant to write to you. W e had not heard o f it before then. W e do not know who sent this subscription to us, but we certainly are glad to have it, and wish to thank the one responsible fo r it. It is an excellent magazine and one which we are pleased to have in our home. It is a magazine that we feel free to let our Filipino people read because it stands true to the W ord o f God. Keep up the good work. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Morse, Manila, Philippines E ditor ’ s N o t e : Subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS make excellent gift-remembrances for missionaries. ISRAEL I have so enjoyed Dr. Talbot’s article on Israel in the June issue o f THE K ING ’ S BUSINESS, and have passed it along to a pastor-friend who is giv­ ing a prophetic series in his church. Mrs. Mary Lyons, West New York, New Jersey JUDGMENT AN YH OW How interesting the idea o f being frozen and stored in a deep freeze somewhere near the South Pole! (See Editorial, July KB .) But even so, we cannot postpone the judgment. That day will be by divine appointment. Far more interesting to us is the Christian hope o f resurrection. Praise God, we shall some day come back from the grave and then we shall be more alive than we have ever been. Lucy Hammond, Long Beach, California PRESENTING THE MESSAGE I want to thank you fo r the fine Christian friend that comes into our home each month — THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. It is filled with so many fine articles o f eternal value. W e use the Bible study outlines fo r presenting the message in our Methodist Youth Fellowship. The young people really receive a blessing out o f this study from God’s Word. I hope and pray that you will continue including this important phase on Bible study in each month. Rev. Clarence Landis, Blockton, Iowa M EM O R IA L GIFT Recently a friend o f ours passed away and since this gentleman’s w ife introduced us to THE K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS about 35 years ago, I thought it fitting fo r us to send an offering to pay fo r some missionaries’ subscriptions in memory o f this man. Mrs. Charles Connell, Alamo, Texas

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