King's Business - 1964-11


creator o f the famous FoldaRola and other products fo r babies and children, with his granddaughter, Wendy.

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by Arnold E. Peterson

T h e g r e a t e s t event of my life was the day I discovered how very much God loved me. On that Sunday afternoon, at the age of 21, my life took on a new meaning and purpose. When I yielded my heart to Jesus Christ, I received forgiveness of sin and God added a totally new dimen­ sion of living — the dimension of eternity. My dad and mother were born in Sweden and came to America at the turn of the century. Though my

dad was a very successful and shrewd business man, having found­ ed a Creamery in Chicago and later the Batavia Dairy in the Fox River Valley west of Chicago, they lived simple and uncomplicated lives. Dad’s favorite Bible verse became his advice to his daughter and five sons, “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” My wonderful godly mother was

obsessed with the idea that there was nothing more important in life than having all her children know Jesus Christ as their personal Sav­ iour. By the time I was 20, I was in full rebellion against all this. There was a big beautiful world out there and I intended to get my share. Inasmuch as I was next to the oldest of the five boys and seemed to be the stumbling block for the rest of the family, my mother in desperation asked God to take her life, if neces-



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