A N EW LOOK at Bible Lands Tour at a price ALL C A N AFFORD
LOWEST COST AVAILABLE ANYWHERE! Price includes Air Fare, New York to New York T W A American Flag Carrier A ll The Way Jet Travel Throughout (with exception of flight between Cairo and Jerusalem) ALL MEALS, First Class or better Hotels, Air Conditioned facilities wherever available: A N D many other features described in detail in Brochure. Low Cost financing plans available upon request FELLOWSHIP Travel with C H R IS T IA N S ONLY . See first hand challenging missionary fields, meet dedi cated missionaries. Worship in S P A IN with Spanish Believers, In Jerusalem at the Garden Tomb, and in CO R IN TH , where Paul preached. Pray together, talk together, sing together in a continuous Christian atmosphere. Meet Christian people in the places you visit and circle the world with your circle of Christian friends. ACT
EXCITING AND IMAG INAT IVE ITINERARY Includes these major areas (in addition to many other smaller places) N EW Y O R K C IT Y (World's Fair), Madrid, Escorial, ROME, Cas- tel Gandolfo, Cairo, Memphis (see the Pyra mids, Sphinx, etc.) Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Bethany, Jericho, Tiberias, Capernaum, Naza reth, Cana of Galilee, Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Caesarea, Tel Aviv, Athens, C O R IN T H . . . N EW YO R K C ITY. DEDICATED LEADERSHIP Professional and experienced planning and scheduling through the Jolly Travel Mart, Anaheim, California. A ll reservations already confirmed. Learn while you travel with Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary, La Mirada, California an experienced Tour director. Interesting background will be given on the historical and Biblical significance of the places you will visit. Tour leaders also include Mr. Marv Fishback, Administrator, Arizona Bible College, and Rev. Thomas E. Steele, Director of Extension, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated.
EARLY ACTION IS IMPORTANT A Iimited number of places on this thrilling and exciting tour are available due to block commit ments. OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS AND EXCURSIONS, may be arranged at low additional cost to include other areas of special interest to you. W R IT E IM M E D IA T E L Y FOR FULL COLOR BROCHURE LANDS OF THE BIBLE TOUR 1821 So. Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, California (To avoid cutting cover see coupon on adjoining page.)
Dr. Feinberg
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