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WHAT HAPPENS whenpeopleuse SCRIPTUREPRESS Sunday School lessons?
a message from the editor
. D m o n t h of July, 1964, there appeared another blatant and utterly indefensible effort on the part of the federal government to further its program of governmental control over every facet of American life. This creeping control of everything that we in America hold dear to our hearts is coming to pass so gradually and subtly that we hardly realize it. Any single in cident would not be worth noticing or making an issue of. But, alas, there is being fashioned by governmental agencies and trends a sizeable rope which is being used to strangle the very liberty and life of America as it has been known through its previous history. We are moving rapidly into a totalitarian type of govern mental control which is frightening in the extreme. There appeared in the April or May issue of The Nation, an article titled, "Hate Clubs of the Air.” Some of these so-called "hate clubs” are extreme in their denunciation of present admin istration policies and practices. Other of the "hate clubs” listed are not nearly so extreme, but all have one thing in common — namely, they are making an honest effort to alert the Ameri can people concerning dangers, both present and potential, so far as trends are concerned. These spokesmen for these so- called “ hate clubs” buy time over hundreds of stations through out the United States. Late in the month of June, an undated letter went out from the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D .C . It was signed by the "Deputy Chairman of Public Affairs” and read in part, " I thought it would be of interest to you . . . that all of these programs (referred to in The Nation article) have repeatedly attacked the candidates, programs and policies of the Democratic party. In view of the political campaign I thought you should be aware both of the content of these programs and the claims for time to which these attacks can make you liable.” Biola’s radio station, KBBI, received a copy of this letter. On July 2nd, KBBI received another letter from the Deputy Chair man for Public Affairs of the Democratic Committee which stated, in part, " I have been informed that your station broad- u r i n g t h e
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