King's Business - 1964-11

cast today a recorded program . . . which attacked me personally as well as the Democratic National Committee of which I am Deputy Chairman. . . . I trust that you will immediately transmit to me the text of this broadcast and the offer of your facilities for an adequate response. In the event that you do not do so, the matter will be brought to the attention of the Federal Communi­ cations Commission.” Two facts stand out, (1) The Democratic National Committee demands free time at least equal to that which was paid for by the opposition in order to defend its own position, and (2) in the event the radio station does not see fit to provide that free time, the matter will be brought to the atten­ tion of the Federal Communications Commission with the obvious implication that it will bring pressure to bear upon the FCC to revoke the station’s license or at least to restrict severely its opera­ tion. And the FCC appears to be moving in exactly this direction under the pressure of these administration’s policies. Recently the Honorable Craig Hosmer presented a statement to the House of Representatives, and for the records, in which he declared, "One of its most restrictive measures is the Federal Communications Commission’s ordering radio and television sta­ tions carrying paid broadcasts on public issues of current import­ ance to offer free time to so-called responsible groups within the community to argue against what was said . . . this ruling of course has the effect of stifling criticisms of federal government policies . . . its rulings must be considered as calculated moves to manage the flow of news and to violate the constitutional guaran­ tees of freedom of speech. Inevitably this means that people will be given only the news and only the interpretations of the news which meet with approval o f the central government in Wash­ ington. And that is the same exact way in which communications are managed behind the Iron Curtain. I f this issue and these trends were purely of a political nature, and only that, the problem would not in the least be appropriate for the pages of this magazine. But it is our deep-rooted convic­ tion that the situation today which is being evidenced in political circles is vastly more than "mere politics” ; it strikes at the very roots of our beloved country. The trend is heading toward and, indeed already is, striking at the very heart of our religious life and liberty. A governmental policy of maintaining such a soft attitude toward Communism and such a hard attitude toward those who are opposed to this nefarious ideology is in large meas­ ure the cause of the chaos that we are seeing all about us in so many areas of our national life. The race riots which took place a few weeks ago in Harlem, New York, in New Jersey, in Rochester, as well as in areas of the Southern part of our country have been traced repeatedly to Communistic leadership. The actual names of known Communistic rabble rousers have been published in the papers, and absolutely nothing has been done by way of legal measures to thwart their activities. Instead, we have read in the public press that governmental authorities are plead- (continued on page 39)

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