
During a conversation with a financial

Because it involves politics, money and a

expert, who also happens to be a local

dash of ideology, fiscal management is

municipal councillor, The Issue inevitably

always a fascinating mix. Those left on the

cropped up.

right wing of the political spectrumespouse

“I have no idea how much money you


earn but I know how much taxes you pay,”

contend the State should nationalize

he bragged.

everything. In the crowded middle, folks

Not waiting for an answer, he provided

would suggest that all policies should be

the punch line: “Too much.”

moderate in order to maintain a caring and

He was right, of course. A penny of tax is


Working for ourselves

toomuch. It is The Issue that unites all of us.


We may differ on other important topics,

Taxes – can’t live with them, can’t live

such as hockey, the weather, the abundance

and lavish spending habits.


without them.

of deer flies. But everyone who pays taxes

Here are some interesting facts.

from paying taxes.

Fortunately, there is no tax on

thinks he or she pays too much.

The latest Tax FreedomDay in Canadian

This year in Canada Tax Freedom Day

complaining – yet.


history was in 2000, when it fell on June 24,

arrived June 6, two days later than in 2010,

taxes are a lot like the weather, death and

almost two months later than in 1961, the

according to the Fraser Institute, a think

Missing a truck liner?

flies – you can talk about them, but there is

earliest year for which the calculation has


little you can do about them.

been made.

have earned enough to pay all federal,


This expert-councillor observed that the

The earliest provincial Tax FreedomDay

provincial and municipal taxes. The June 6

best we can hope for is that the powers that

fell on May 18 in Alberta.

date isanational average.Actually, freedom

be keep our tax rates affordable. Of course,

Every politician pledges to keep taxes


Would the owner of a truck liner that

everyone has a different take on what is


to June 3 last year, and June 10 in Québec,

landed inaditch inChamplainTownship

considered “affordable.”

But the institute argues that

taxes are

compared to June 6 in 2010.

please call police?

Across Ontario, municipalities have

hardly low. Income taxes account for only

The later arrival of Tax Freedom Day in


finalized their property tax bills for another

about one-third of the total taxes we pay.


Provincial Police detachment after finding

year. Some ratepayers may actually be

Add property taxes, sales taxes, profit taxes,

economy, Fraser Institute economists say.

a pick-up truck liner across from his

getting some good news. If their assessment

health taxes, social security taxes, alcohol

When the economy recovers and incomes

residenceonCountyRoad17 inChamplain

has not increased, and if their tax rate has

taxes, tobacco taxes, fuel taxes and many

increase, a family’s tax loadtends to increase

Township. If you have information about

been frozen or dropped, the 2011 bottom

others to the mix and the average Canadian

to a greater extent. That is partly due to our

this incident or if you are the owner of the

line may be similar to the 2010 hit. But, in

will pay $39,900 in taxes (42.6 per cent of

progressive tax system and because of

lost liner, call Constable Pascal David at

most cases, taxes are rising by about three

income) in 2011.

consumption increases, which result in an


per cent, or the rate of inflation. That is all

As they say, “our future has been

increase in the amount of sales and other

good, if everyone’s incomes also rise by the


consumption taxes we pay.

Take a kid to the course

same amount to keep pace with the rising


The institute, of course, is not pleased

cost of everything.

whittle down our debts.

with our governments’ spending policies.

Income and property taxes are easy to

But there are different views on how our

In2011, the federal government andmost


see, but there are all those hidden charges

money is to be handled, and what

provincial governmentsare runningbudget

that are just lurking around, waiting to

expenditures should be priorities. Do we

deficits. Since today’s deficits must one day

pounce on unsuspecting consumers.


be paid for by taxes, deficits should be

The Glengarry Golf and Country Club

Talking about taxes can be taxing.

towards reducing long-term debt?

considered as deferred taxation. Had

in Alexandria hosts Take A Kid To The

But, to help you de-stress, consider the

The institute advocates toughmeasures -

Canadian governments increased taxes to

Course July 4 to 10.

happy concept that if you are paying taxes,


balance theirbudgets, theaverageCanadian

On those days, children under the age of

youought tobepleasedbecause this burden

Waiting years to eliminate the deficit will

family would have worked until June 21 to

16, who are accompanied by an adult, play

is a sign that you are doing well financially.

only burden Canadians with higher

pay the tax bill.

for free. Also, participants have a chance to

Moneydoesnotbuyhappiness, however,

government debt, increased interest

Yes, but that would have left us less

win a golf trip to The Lodge at Ventana

it does come in handy when you need to

payments and ultimately higher taxes, the

disposable income, a key factor in markets





procure the basic necessities of life.

organization warns.

that rely heavily on consumer confidence,

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