Average tax rise of
$41 in East Hawkesbury
The total collected formunicipal purposes
will increase from $1,242,250 to $1,288,641.
In 2011, the owner of a house evaluated at
$121,294will pay $1,487.69 in property taxes.
Last year, the owner of a home assessed at
Property taxes in East Hawkesbury
$113,720 paid $1,446.25 in taxes.
Township will increase by an average of
This year’s total includes $599.10 in
about $41 this year after the municipality
municipal taxes, $608.40 for the united
reduced its rate by 3.84 per cent.
counties of Prescott-Russell, and $280.19 for
While county and school rates have also
school boards.
Last year, the owner of a home evaluated
because most property assessments have
at $113,720 paid $584 in township taxes, $588
increased, most residents will see rises in
in county taxes and $274 in school taxes.
their taxes this year.
Garbage collection fees stay at $148.50; the
Based on an example provided by the
recycling rate stays at $37.50.
For sanitary sewage systems, the charges
will rise by $41.43 this year. However, for
remain at $350 in Ste-Anne and at $200 per
those whose evaluation has not increased,
unit in St-Eugène while they decrease from
the owner of a $100,000 home will see taxes
$550 to $500 in Chute-à-Blondeau.
decrease from $1,271.77 to $1,226.52.
The township,whichregistereda$221,000
The township is working with a budget
surplus at the end of 2010, has applied
of about $3 million this year.
$188,955 to reduce general taxes, $27,440 to
Le Chenail milestone
reduce garbage charges and $4,605 to reduce
sewer charges.
The roads department, where $783,376
The fee charged by the Ontario Provincial
Policewill decrease from394,300 to $391,310.
The town of Hawkesbury is
General government is expected to cost
contributing to activitiesmarking the 50 th
$432,730, compared to $438,020.
anniversary of the expropriation of Le
The fire department has been allotted
Chenail bycontributinga tree thatwill be
$308,345, a sharp rise over the $157,975 spent
planted in Confederation Park this
on fireprotection last year. The bigdifference
is the purchase of a $216,670 tanker.
Submitted photo
Protective inspection and control have
an event August 21 to observe the
Steve and Tim Beauchesne and head brewer Matthew O’Hara.
been budgeted $64,100, up from the actual
milestone. The tree will be placed near a
cost of $62,378 in 2010.
monument to former Le Chenail residents
Green birthday bash
Recreation has been budgeted $132,907, a
besideLaMaisonde l’île, the onlybuilding
major increase from the $243,655 spent on
left from the neighbourhood that
this service in 2010. Last year, the township
disappeared when the Hydro-Québec
has contracted with to complete the project,
invested large sums to improve parks and to
Carillon power dam was built.
of solar energycapturedthroughthisproject
complete the new Chute-à-Blondeau
Casting For Anglers
is over 90,000kWh per year. Beau’s recently
community centre.
Promoter Reno Viola recently signed a
contracted the Guelph Food and
Capital expenditures this year will total
deal with the town to publicize fishing
Beau’sAll Natural BrewingCo. will be
Technology’s Sustainability Division to
opportunities. The municipality will pay
celebrating its fifth birthday July 2 with a
complete an energy assessment and has
In addition to the tanker purchase, the
himup to $10,000 to cover expenses, plus up
launch of a new solar energy project.
determinedthat thisenergycreationequates
municipality will spend $85,000 on surface
to$5,000 formedia coverageViolagenerates.
The program, which Beau’s calls Green
to almost 40 per cent of total electrical usage
Futures, is an initiative that will allow
at current usage.
$20,000 for a land purchase.
personalities and television producers.
members to purchase shares in a beer “co-
operative” of sorts.
The microbrewery has been aging
several brands inbourbonbarrels,with this
2011 CENSUS Count yourself in!
three of these bourbon-aged brands July 2
show in fall
Program. It is designed as a co-op type club
that entitles members to ten beers aged in
One of the biggest events in the area, the
bourbon barrels per year for three years, at
Auto Expo is getting bigger this year. The
a membership cost of $300. The program is
Hawkesbury Auto Club has received
called Green Futures because the brewery
will use membership fees to install solar
which in the past has been held on Main
panels on its 30,000-square-foot facility in
Street betweenMcGill and JohnStreets. The
Vankleek Hill.
September 4 expo will be spread out more,
Agingbeer inbourbonbarrels isa recent
however, on Main between William and
trend in craft beer. The additional flavours
GenevièveStreets, andon theBoulevarddu
and aromas of bourbon in a strong beer add
Chenail, between John and Régent.
barrelsareonlyusedonce forbourbon, they
“Not In My Front
also add oak flavours and aromas.
“Beer tastes better when you can feel
says co-founder Steve Beauchesne, who
started the brewerywithhis father TimJuly
The townofHawkesburyhas endorseda
1, 2006. Tim agrees: “We really wanted to
resolution calling on the government to
mark our five-yearmarkwith an ambitious
ensure that peoplewho install greenenergy
project that furthers our work in creating
devices do not disturb the neighbours.
unique, tastybeerwithourwork increating
Hawkesbury council has supported a
a truly sustainable business.”
motion by the town of Thessalon which
Beau’s has applied for approval for the
stipulates that solar panels and wind
installation project and is awaiting
turbines not be installed in front yards. The
confirmation to begin installation, but has
resolution notes that, while supporting
already begun making the roof ready for
green energy, municipalities also ought to
theproject. Total cost for theentireproject is
be “sensitive regarding the impact such
estimated at $500,000, but the solar energy
installationswill have on adjacent property
will bring revenue in as well, allowing the
owners who will be in extremely close
brewery to finance a large portion of the
proximity to suchproposed solar systems.”
installation and pay the remaining balance
Municipalities are asking the province to
from the revenue created.
Initial estimates completed by Solera
Sustainable Energies, the company Beau’s
in residential and commercial areas.
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