The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.3


“Preach the Word”

than the knowledge of the head, and, in the Spirit-led dis­ ciple, can correct and rebuke the errors of the latter. Now, it is this holy Word, thus spotless and thus powerful for righteousness and comfort, that the Christian preacher is to preach. The preacher is a proclaimer, a herald, not a col­ lege professor or an originator of theories. He has the Word given him, and that he is to proclaim. He is not to draw from the wells of human philosophy, but from the stream that flows directly from the throne of God. He is to tell the people what God has said. He is to hide himself behind his message, and to receive it equally with those he addresses. Nor is the preacher the mouthpiece of a Church to issue ecclesiastical decrees and fulminate ecclesiastical censures. This is as far from preaching the Word as the other. As a herald of Christ, while there is nothing before him but human hearts and consciences to appeal to, there is nothing behind him but the revealed Word of God to utter and enforce. All Church commands laid upon him as to his preaching are as nothing except as they are conformed to that Word. He is responsible as a herald to God and not to the Church. He is God’s herald and not the Church’s. The same reason that forbids him from making the people’s approbation the guide to his preaching will forbid him from making Church authority the guide. He will be happy to please both people and authorities, but he cannot make that pleasing a criterion or standard. His duty is above all that. His allegiance is higher. IN THUS LIMITING HIMSELF TO THE PREACHING OF GOD’S WORD, THE PREACHER IS NOT CIRCUMSCRIBING HIS POWER, b u t e n l a r g in g i t . By the jealous use of that Word alone he will accomplish far more for the kingdom of Christ and the salvation of men than by mixing human expedients with the Word. Human expedients are very specious and at­ tractive, and, alas! many preachers betake themselves to them. They think they will attract the multitude and fill up the pews

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