King's Business - 1968-09



The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in 'green pastures ... Psalm 23:1, 2b V H y K - ’\

Nine Point Strategy ofWitnessing

Why Canot I FollowThee Now? by Vance Havner The Feast of thePassover by Lehman Strauss

by Alan Redpath

The Errors ofTheistic Evolution

by Leon Wood

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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home r < J f l j BUSINESS 13800 BIOLA AVENUE, LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90638 k_______________________________________________________________ U A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS &COLLEGES, INC. THE K ING ’S


THE KING’SBUSINESS Magazine isa Publication of BoilaSchools &Colleges, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland, Pres., Ray A. Myers, Board Chmn. September/Volume 58/Number 9/ Established 1910


ARTICLES: 12 "Why Canot I Follow Thee Now?” 14 The Feast or The Passover 16 Nine Point Strategy of Witnessing ........ 19 Secret Sin/ Open Shame




...... LEHMAN STRAUSS ...... ....__ ____ ALAN REDPATH ............ DR.J. ROWELL

.... .......................

23 The Errors of Theistic Evolution ................................... LEON WOOD 27 Dedicated To Satan ................................................


28 Innovation in Learning 30 The Church in Action

......................................... ..... ....... .........................

33 What Do You KnowAbout Misions 35 Ideal Introductions 37 A Runaway Native 38 A Psychiatrist Loks at Life 40 The BestState in Which to Live


____ ... _____________ ............................



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42 God’s Little Words




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4 Message from the Editor . 8 Cult's Critique 18 Dr. Talbot's Question Box 21 Over a Cup of Coffee 22 Talking It Over 32 BookReviews 44 ChristianWorker’s Clinic ABOUT THE COVER: ............ ............. ....... ......

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Photograph furnished through thecourtesy of Howard Paper Mils, Division of St. Regis Paper Company. Editor/S. H. Sutherland

Adv. and Production Mgr./Bill Ehmann Controler/James Bramer Circulation Mgr./Jane M. Clark Art Director/John Ozmon

Managing Editor/AI Sanders Copy Editor/Betty Bruechert Treasurer/Paul Schwepker

Editorial Board: Bill Bynum Bolton Davidheiser

James 0. Henry MarthaS. Hooker

Arnold D. Ehlert Charles L. Feinberg



Subscription Rates: THE KING'S BUSINESS is published monthly U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign Subscription 75 cents extra. Allow one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new address. Remittances should be made by bankdraft, express, or post ofice money order payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising:For information address the AdvertisingManager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibilityfor loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second clas postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California.

ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.




"a message from the editor *

^ e v e r a l y e a r s a g o the Supreme Court o f the United States took on an entirely new complexion. It may be debated as to just when the liberals took the power from the conservative element in the Supreme Court. During the Roosevelt dynasty, F.D.R. became so completely frustrated with the historic inter­ pretations o f the Supreme Court that he made a frantic effort to increase the number o f justices from nine to fifteen. His effort got nowhere. However, with the passing o f time and the retirement or death o f justices, there has been apparently a cal­ culated determination to change the nature o f the Supreme Court to suit the fancies o f the liberal presidents that we have en­ joyed (? ) during recent years with the possible exception o f President Dwight D. Eisenhower. But regardless o f the recent history o f the Supreme Court, the fact remains that the ideologi­ cal liberal element is firmly entrenched in that august body. With­ out trying to oversimplify the problems confronting us today, it may be said that the current Supreme Court is responsible in large measure for much o f the foment that we see in our coun­ try on every hand. One such interpretation o f the law by the Supreme Court has magnified the “ right to dissent.” This has taken on all manner o f irresponsibility and lawlessness on the part o f dissenters. The newspapers recently carried news articles in connection with the dissenters’ riot at Columbia University. According to the news item, “ A very small militant minority demanded that the Uni­ versity abandon its plan for building a gymnasium in Morning- side Park. That unkempt trash-strewn area is supposed to be a recreation spot for Harlem. They demanded further that the University sever its ties with the Pentagon and that no students engaged in the uprising be disciplined.” The rioters locked up the University administrators for several hours, and it was re­ ported that these hoodlums threatened bloodshed unless their demands were met forthwith. However, the Columbia University president refused to yield on the last two points. He announced publicly that the student leaders would be disciplined. In other words, he dissented from the dissenters. Within two or three weeks after the fracas occurred at Columbia, a Los Angeles lawyer an­ nounced that he was going to bring suit against Columbia Uni­ versity for interfering with the dissenters by disciplining them. Whether the lawyer wins his case or not, the tragedy is that he is even allowed to bring such a case to trial. It must be kept in mind that in practically every instance o f civil disobedience it has been but a small handful o f dissidents who have been able THE KING'S BUSINESS


Investing $300, ormore, can bring A DOUBLE BLESSING for You and a Loved One!

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND / PRESIDENT, BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. to hamstring the will o f the vast majority. A t the most, two hundred belligerent mobsters succeeded in bringing to a grinding halt for a time the entire function o f an academically-great Uni­ versity with an enrollment o f over 25,000. Surely our founding fathers and 175 years o f U.S. history never envisioned anything like this in setting up and interpreting the First Amendment! A similar situation occurred at Howard University prior to the Columbia uprising. There the press reported that a small group o f sixty students interrupted the Howard Charter Day Ceremony when President Nabriet was awarding honorary de­ grees to alumni. They surrounded the podium, sat on the plat­ form, and made it impossible for him to speak. The incident on Charter Day later led to the subsequent complete paralysis o f the University. When an effort was made to discipline the ring­ leaders, they invaded the administration offices and refused to budge. They moved the mattresses out o f the dormitories and into the offices. They kept all University officials out and or­ ganized their own food supply. They refused to evacuate until they had a pledge from the University that they would not be punished and their demands would be met. University officials were afraid to do anything. They were even afraid to ask the police to interfere for the hue and cry that would have followed would have gone against the administration and the police and all who have the responsibility for keeping law and order. Is this "academic freedom” ? Is this what the founding fathers and the 175 years o f U.S. history envisioned for us o f this particular generation? The tragedy is that what is occurring in the educational and secular world already has taken place in large measure in the religious life o f our beloved land. For over 1900 years certain doctrines based upon the authority o f the Word o f God were believed and preached by true Christians wherever the name o f Jesus Christ was known. The very term Christian meant some­ thing very definite, very explicit. The fundamental doctrines were enunciated very clearly and accepted by all who named the name o f Jesus Christ. Within the past few decades a minority o f theological dissenters crept in almost unawares and began their nefarious program o f hacking away at the very foundations o f Christianity. They began by casting doubt upon the authority o f the Word o f God. It was just a small group at first. N o one paid any particular attention to them until finally they were Continued on Page 46 SEPTEMBER, 1968

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DZAS, one o f FEBC’s five stations serving the Philippines, President Marcos congratulated the officials and employees o f the station for their programs. “I Saw Your Son Today,” filmstrip produced by Standard Publishing Co., has been awarded the Gold Camera Award, the first place in its category, by the U.S. Industrial Film Festival judges. Produced by Pilot Productions for Standard’s 1968 V a c a t i o n Bible School course, “ God’s Word, Today’s Hope,” the film is also in the final judging o f the American Film Festi­ val in New York. It is a nineteen- minute, 35mm, color, sound presenta­ tion on life in the inner city showing actual conditions in slum areas. Em­ phasized is the fact that young people in all areas can be taught the Word o f God. The Bible contains the an­ swers to the problems of today. Use o f the filmstrip is not limited to VBS workers.

90 pages of reasons why George Fox is the College for you

Wilfred C. Frykman, a Vice President of Scripture Press Publications, Inc.,

has been e le cted President o f th a t o r g a n iz a t io n . He has assum ed the responsibilities held by the late Dr. Vic­ tor E. Cory. M r. Frykman is a 12- year veteran o f the Sunday School pub­ lishing C om pany.

(sample reasons) It’s a wonderful Christian school... with a 44-acre campus. ..inscenic Newberg, Oregon near Portland.

WilfredFrykman As Vice President, he directed the Personnel and Public Relations Division. He also continues as a Director o f the Corporation. Los Angeles Baptist College is heard Monday, Wednesday, and Friday over KBBI in Los Angeles (107.5 fm ) in a five-minute program called “ Spec­ trum.” The broadcast is released at 12:30 p.m. Rev. Norman Newman has been ap­ pointed Director of Development at Los Angeles Baptist College. Mr. Newman received his B.S. at Pepper- dine College in Business Administra­ tion, majoring in Economics. He served as merchandise manager for a manufacturing company for five years. He attended LABTS where he received the M.R.E. degree. He has worked two years as a Christian Edu­ cation Director. The Conservative Baptist F o r e ig n Mission Society celebrated its 25th anniversary in May at a banquet in Chicago. The occasion was in con­ junction with the Conservative Bap­ tist Annual Meetings at the Pick- Congress Hotel. A cake was cut by the general directors o f the three Conservative Baptist Agencies: Dr. Herbert E. Anderson o f the CBFMS, Dr. Russell Shive o f the Conservative Baptist Association o f America, and Dr. Rufus Jones o f the Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society. Dr. Theodore Taylor led the banquet guests on a historic journey o f CBFMS. During the annual meetings CBFMS appointed 15 missionaries, bringing the total CBFMS missionary force to 476. These missionaries work in 19 countries o f Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. Philippine President Marcos addressed 4,000 people who attended 20th an­ niversary observances of the Far East Broadcasting Company in Ma­ nila in June. Speaking o f Station

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Agnes Merritt, Standard Publishing Vacation Bible School editor, shows first place U.S. Industrial Film Fes­ tival award plaque to Sales Manager John Eger. Tom Watson, Jr., editor o f Horizons magazine and films director o f The Evangelical Alliance Mission, recent­ ly toured Siberia, Russia, and Eu­ rope. He followed broadcasts aired over HLKX, Inchon, Korea. Mr. Wat­ son was accompanied by Jack Koziol, the HLKX Russian language pastor. During his tour o f Siberia, he pro­ duced a documentary 16 mm. film of the people in that land. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., has announced a plan for developing and expanding its program in the United States. The plan includes develop­ ment o f major functional complexes in southern Calfiornia, North Caro­ lina and Texas. These centers will be used for administration, for orienta­ tion and training o f members on overseas assignments, for linguistic and technical teaching, and for ac­ quainting the public with the world­ wide Bible translation program o f the organization.


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arm Je l/Æ e

CULTS CRITIQUE by B e tty R ruechert THE CFO s wrote us for information regarding the sys­ tem entitled “ The Camps Farthest Out.” She was in great distress be­ cause members o f her family had become involved with this group. The founder o f CFO was Glenn Clark, one-time athletic coach and professor o f Creative Religious Liv­ ing at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn, and now deceased. He established the first “ camp” at Lake Koronis, Paynesville, Minn. Such well-known people as Frank C. Lau- bach, Marcus Bach and Norman El­ liott have been associated with this movement which became popular through its “ Meals for Millions.” Its camps now number 40. Its name sig­ nifies “ going all the way” and un­ fortunately it does seem to have gone all the way into a “ Do it yourself” religion. In the July 26, 1941 issue o f The Sunday School Times the following appraisal o f this system appeared: “ . . . There is no evidence that Glenn Clark or his followers believe that man is a sinner and needs a Saviour; that forgiveness and acceptance with God come only through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; that God is a just God, as well as a God of love, and that He must condemn and pun­ ish sin, and that this punishment has been borne for man by the Lord Jesus; that the Bible, which is the inspired Word of God, is the founda­ tion o f their movement, although ref­ erences are made to it. . . . We can only conclude that it is one o f the many subtle modern substitutes for the true Gospel, and therefore dan­ gerous, and to be opposed and shunned by the true Christian.” Rev. Roy Knuteson in a fine article in The Discerner* documents five de­ partures from evangelical truth in the writings o f Clark and other CFO writers: in regard to the person of Jesus Christ; the Word of God; “ the Fatherhood o f God and brotherhood o f man;” the new birth; prayer; and physical healing. Many terms such as “ divine spark in every man,” “ transcendent C h r i s t,” “ sinless, deathless, diseaseless order,” are reminiscent o f Unity, Christian Sci­ ence and other unscriptural systems o f the love — but no cross — variety. *Religion Analysis Service, Inc., 902 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis 8, Minn. THE KING'S BUSINESS R e c e n t l y a f r i e n d


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THE SILVER TRUMPET Owen Barfield; Illustrated by Betty Beeby— Once in a wonderfully odd and unusual place called The Mountalny Castle, there lived two beautiful Princesses named Violetta and Gambetta, who looked so much alike the King appointed The Lord High Teller of the Other from the Which just to tell them apart; here was where The Little Fat Podger also lived, and cured the King’s megrims with his jokes, japes, jests, gibes and pranks, and his noodledum, nincompoopery, somersaults and capers. Here, one fine day, riding a white horse, and wearing glit- teringsilverarmour, and carryinga beautiful SilverTrumpet, came the handsome Prince Courtesy, who fell in love with Princess Violetta and became King. But they did NOT live happily ever after, and this is the story of what happened: of how The Silver Trumpet was lost; of the wicked Princess Gambetta and what she did; of the Amalgamated Princesses and their strange ways; of old Miss Thompson and her remarkable magic; of little Princess Lily, who was afraid of Toads; of brave Prince Peerio, who walked halfway around the world; and of how, at the end, The Silver Trumpet was found again, and happiness returned to stay at The Mountainy Castle. 160 Pages. Cloth $4.95 BETTY BEEBY has illustrated such earlier children’s books as The Child's Story Bible and Whistle Up The Bay. For The Silver Trumpet she has provided scores of imaginative and delight­ ful illustrations which will prove fascinating to children and adults alike. ^ -J. THE TENT OF GOD A theology of the Old Testament for young

GOD WITH US A Life of Jesus

for Young Readers by Marianne Radius

readers. As in the companion volume, God With Us, the author shows her sensitivity to the world of young people. Using the tent as a symbol of God in the midst of his people, as it was in the time of the Old Testament, Mrs. Radius draws many interesting parallels and makes observations of truths applicable to young people today. More than a history or a book of stories, it is the record of God with his children, camping with them, until the time of the incarnation. Pen-and-ink

More than a Bible story book. Rather, the New Testament life of Jesus Is set In the perspective of Old Testa­ ment prophecies and their apostolic fulfillment. Written In an easy-to- grasp style and designed to create a profound Impact on young lives by Inviting them to open their hearts to


. . and some, evangelists. . . ” ' v«^ Eph. 4:11 GOD CALLS... MBI PREPARES 9 M E N F O R T H E S O U L -W I N N I N G M I N I S TR Y

OLD MAGAZINES USEFUL We have gratefully received three packages of your magazines and all in good to very good condition. Thank you for encouraging people to send them. Lyle Gregory, Bible Literature Ministry, 3602 Manana Drive, Dallas, Texas : From time to time read­ ers are interested in knowing what they can do with old copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS. We encourage you to mail them to places such as the above where they may be distributed to those who are interested in knowing more of God’s Word. Check with your local post office for the most economical means of mailing. KB FOR MISSIONARIES At this time I would like to say what a blessing your magazine has been to me. Serving as a missionary here in the Philippines brings all sorts of situations and there are the times that I have ended up discouraged or perplexed. In times like these, your magazine has served to strengthen and encourage me and I just wish to thank you. Miss Marion Fry STUDENTS READ KB I want to thank the editors of THE KING’S BUSINESS for its meaningful and inspirational content. It is very helpful to those who have the opportu­ nity to read it. In order to share your magazine with as many students as possible, we pass our copy on to a public school teacher. THE KING’S BUSINESS eventually finds its way to the teacher’s lounge and consequently, at times, falls into the hands of some students. Many of these young people have not had the opportunity to be exposed to this kind of publication. Some have found real inspiration and help from the magazine. Being a student, I know how valuable information of this kind can be to a young person. I hope there is some way you can convey the thought to your readers to please pass their KING’S BUSINESS on to others who might not have the opportunity to subscribe to this publication. David Larson, Lakewood, California We regret the omission of Dr. Vance Havner’s name with the article entitled “ The Fellowship of the First-Handers” in the August issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. We appreci­ ate Dr. Havner’s faithfulness as a monthly contributor. Our apologies for this oversight. E d it o r ’ s N o t e E d it o r ’ s N o t e :

With the offering of a new Evangelism Major in September, 1968, M oody Bible Institute will provide practical training in all phases of today's evangelistic work. This new major*, preparing for ministries of public evangelism, covers a wide range of subjects such as The Evangelist and His Work, History of Revivals and Evangelism, Personal Evangelism, Modem Religious Movements, Evangelism of Youth and Children, Campus Evangelism, Open-Air Evangelism, Inner-City Evangelism, and Rescue Missions. Many of today’s active evangelists have confirmed the necessity for this thorough training that meets the challenge to reach people with the gospel in times like these.

For further information on the Evangelism Major, write

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t h e r e are several very significant “Follow Me’s” ■ in the life of Simon Peter. The first was spoken by the Sea of Galilee, the last by the Sea o f Tiberias. Geographically, the Sea o f Galilee and the Sea of Tiberias are the same. But it took Simon Peter three years to move from the first “ Follow Me” to the last. Some Christians never get to Tiberias at all. Matthew gives us the first picture: “ And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon Called Peter, and Andrew his brother, cast­ ing a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” Notice that they “ straight­ way” left their nets and followed Him. It sounds too easy. Peter still had much to learn. He followed but in his own self-sufficiency with many a hard lesson ahead of him. Another “ Follow me” comes later, on the great day when Peter makes his well-known confession. Jesus speaks o f His approaching death and Peter stumbles over it. He always did. Within a few moments the man who had said “ Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” was saying of the coming crucifixion, “ Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto Thee.” Peter crashes from the heights to the depths within a few verses, from the mountain peaks o f confession in verse 16 to the swamps of contradiction in verse 22. In one verse, he is a spokesman for God, for our Lord said, “ Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in heaven” ; and in the next few minutes, he is a spokesman for the devil for our Lord said, “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God but those that be o f men.” It shows us that Peter is still far from coming to the end o f himself. He is still following from Gailiee in self-will and there must be a special hint for him in our Lord’s next words: “ If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and FOLLOW ME.” It is an­ other milepost on the way to Tiberias. The heart of the whole matter shows up at the Last Supper. Peter asks, “Lord, whither goest Thou?” Jesus answers, “Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; for thou shalt follow after­ ward.” Peter said, “Lord, WHY CANNOT I FOL­ LOW THEE NOW? I will lay down my life for thee.” But Jesus reminded him that soon he would deny his Lord. There is something deeper than first appears in this question, “Why cannot I follow thee now?” Peter was not ready to follow His Lord “even now,” right now, right away. He was not ready; there were lessons to be learned. So our Lord had said, “Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; BUT THOU SHALT FOLLOW AFTERWARDS.” Peter did follow afterwards even unto death but he was


cannot I follow

fhee now?

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not ready yet. Some o f us wonder what hinders us from going all the way with Jesus. We think we are ready but He knows better. We have not come to “ the afterwards.” Jesus knew Peter, knew that soon he would go to sleep in the garden; then he would follow afar off; next he would warm him­ self at the enemy’s fire and finally swear and deny that he ever knew his Lord. He who thought he was ready for martyrdom would be finished oft by a servant girl! Our Lord knows us too and what pitfalls lie between Galilee and Tiberias. The key to Peter’s trouble is revealed in something else our Lord said on that solemn occasion. Only Luke tells us: Jesus said, “ Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:31, 32). Here is something of tremendous significance. For a moment our Lord pulls aside the curtain between us and the unseen world and we get a glimpse of the tug-of-war that Satan wages with God for the souls of men. We are reminded at once o f the Book of Job and Satan’s securing per­ mission to try out Job in the fires o f adversity. Peter, usually the mouth o f the twelve, is here the ear, says Matthew Henry. The first two “ you’s” are plural: “ Satan asked to have you all (all you disciples) that he might sift (all you disciples) as wheat, but I have prayed for you, Peter, that your faith, (Peter’s faith), fail not: and when you, Peter, have turned again, strengthen your breth­ ren.” What a drama is here set before us with three characters: “ SATAN hath desired to have YOU . . . but I . . . . ” Here are Satan, “ you,” which means any of us, and Christ. It is Christ or Antichrist and we are the prize Satan seeks with every snare. I do not pretend to understand all that is involved here in God’s permissive will but I rejoice in the blessed turn of the sentence: “ Satan hath desired to have you . . . BUT I have prayed for you.” “ If



verted ; he is ready for the Tiberias “ Follow Me.” He has been sifted, he has come to the end o f him­ self. The crowing o f the cock on the night of his denial really marked in more ways than one the beginning o f a new day. There is an interesting little postscript. Peter saw John also following and asked, “Lord, and what shall this man do?” Jesus answered, “ I f I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me.” It is easy to become too occupied with what happens to other disciples. Our business is not the future of John but the following of Jesus. Peter’s concern was not evil but we must beware of being sidetracked by secondary con­ siderations. Worrying about John may make us lose sight of Jesus. “ Follow me yourself” is what our Lord said. It is easy to wonder about this preacher and that movement and burn up a lot of time and energy talking about John. It is easy now to understand why Peter was not ready when he asked, “Why cannot I follow Thee now?” Until he reached Tiberias, almost everything he said was a mistake: “We have left all and followed thee; what shall we have there­ fore?” “Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee” ; “The crowd press thee and sayest thou, Who touched me?” ; “ Though all men deny thee, yet will not I” ; “ Thou shalt never wash my feet.” No wonder we read, “ Peter said . . . not knowing what he said” (Luke 9:33). What made the difference? He had come to the end of his boastful self-sufficiency, broken in re­ pentance, not bragging any more o f his willing­ ness to die, but now humbly allowing his Lord to do the talking. But something else tells us the secret of his new power. We read that Jesus breathed on them and said unto them, “ Receive ye the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). And then came Pentecost and Simon becomes truly Péter, the Rock. Not that he was perfect because he still made mistakes as at Antioch. But at Galilee he forsook his nets and boat; at Tiberias he forsook himself. Are you a Galilean disciple following “ straight­ way” in your own strength? You ask, “Why cannot I follow Thee now?” you are not ready. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” You will sleep in the garden. You will follow afar off. You will warm by the enemy’s fire, where most of our church-members can always be found. No wonder you soon deny your Lord. You must come to the Afterwards, you must be sifted and con­ verted. Then you will meet the Lord afresh and He will breathe His Spirit upon you and bid you follow Him again not in boasted self-sacrifice but in crucifixion with Him. Tiberias disciples are few and far between. It is so much easier to leave nets and boats than to deny oneself. But that is the price of the last “ Follow Me.” I E 13

any man sin, we have an advocate with the Fa­ ther, Jesus Christ the righteous.” We may fall into Satan’s hands for testing as did Job and Peter but within God’s permissive will the devil can go only so far. Even then he may defeat his own purpose. In Peter’s case, Satan wanted to winnow out the wheat but our Lord over-ruled so that instead he winnowed out the chaff and left the wheat. Peter was purged of his pride, brought to bitter repentance and converted, turned from his own self-sufficiency. His faith was eclipsed— indeed such is the meaning of “ fail” here—but not extinct. Peter failed his Lord but the Lord did not for­ get Peter. After the resurrection, the angel said to the women at the empty tomb, “Go tell his dis­ ciples AND PETER, He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you.” This is peculiar to Mark and if Peter sup­ plied Mark with material, how touching! Far from forgetting the wayward disciple, Jesus singled him out. Then followed a private meeting with Peter (Luke 24:34; I Cor. 15:5). We do not know what took place but evidently Peter was made ready for Tiberias. So we arrive finally at that blessed inter­ view at the end o f a long trail. The risen Lord addresses His disciple as “ Simon, son o f Jonas.” Nothing is said about Peter, the rock. All Bible students know how our Lord asked, “Lovest thou me?” using the word for Divine love. Peter, broken and undone, cannot rise to that lofty term but can profess only a humbler affection. The third time— three questions for three denials—Jesus uses Pet­ er’s own word and cuts him to the heart. Along with the three questions come three commands, “ Feed my lambs, Tend my sheep, Feed my sheep.” It amounts to the same thing our Lord had said long before, “ Strengthen thy brethren” for now Peter is converted. Only the man who has come to the “ afterwards” and has been turned from self to the Saviour can strengthen the brethren and feed the sheep. Then follows a statement that reminds us of earlier conversations. Heretofore when our Lord spoke o f His own crucifixion, Peter always stum­ bled over it. He stumbled right after his historic confession and at the Last Supper. Now our Lord speaks of Peter’s own crucifixion that lay ahead. “ Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, FOLLOW ME.” You will observe that Peter makes no bold claims this time. He who had confidently said, “ I will lay down my life for thee” lets the Lord say it now. Now he has reached the “ afterwards” ; he is con- SEPTEMBER, 1968

revelation of the one ground of man’s acceptance with Himself. 1. In Genesis 4:4., the Lamb is Sanctioned. 2. In Genesis 22:13, the Lamb is Substituted. 3. In Exodus 12:6, the Lamb is Slain. 4. In Isaiah 54:4-10, the Lamb is Suffering. 5. In John 1 :29, the Lamb is Specified. 6. In Revelation 5 :6-14, the Lamb is Saluted. 7. In Revelation 22:1, the Lamb is Sovereign. The far-reaching effects of the Death o f Christ are seen in the orderly development and outreach of the sacrifices: 1. In Genesis, chapters 4 and 22, the Lamb avails for the indi­ vidual. 2. In Exodus 12, the Lamb avails for a household. 3. In Isaiah 53, the Lamb avails for a nation. 4. In John 1:29, the Lamb avails for the world. Let us look now at the beautiful type of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb o f God, as seen in the Passover lamb of Exodus, chap­ ter twelve. The Passover lamb had to be “without blemish, a male . . .” (vs. 5). The identical expression is used by the Apostle Peter, where he writes, “ Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not re­ deemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradi­ tion from your fathers ; But with the precious blood o f Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (I Peter 1:18, 19). Occasionally there comes across our path a person who rejects Christ and excuses himself be­ cause he claims to know too many Christians who are hypo­ crites. Salvation is not found in Christians but in Christ. There are no perfect Christians. God found no sinless persons in the earth. That is why He had to send One from Heaven. “Christians may sin less, but they are not sin- THE KING'S BUSINESS

Now what are we to learn from this? The Passover undoubtedly represents the Death of Christ, for, says Paul: “ Christ our pass- over is sacrificed for us” (I Co­ rinthians 5 :7). Just as God made the night of the Passover to mark a new beginning for Israel, and the seventh month to become the first month with the past six months blotted out, even so the first four thousand years of hu­ man history and man’s failure are blotted out by the Death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Israel’s new beginning was upon a new foun­ dation, a lamb without blemish. In the same manner the Death o f God’s Son, the Lamb of God (John 1:29), becomes the new foundation and ground for man’s deliverance from the bondage of sin. When a man is bom again, the birthday of that soul marks the beginning of months, the new birthday being relatively more important than the day o f nat­ ural birth. Belief in the finished work o f Christ on the Cross is the pivotal point of transition from the old, unregenerate life to the new life in Christ, “ There­ fore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). All attempted worship is futile before conversion, but the very moment a believing sinner appropriates the death o f the Lord Jesus Christ the sinful past is forever blotted out. The Passover Lamb is the ac­ knowledged type of the Death of Christ, the basis of God’s great salvation, for Christ crucified is the very foundation stone of our redemption. The Death of the world’s Saviour was neither ac­ cidental nor coincidental; it was divinely intentional. He is “ the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). A safe way to study the Bible is to follow closely God’s law of “ Progressive R e v e la t ion ” or “ Progressive Mention.” Follow the repeated mentioning of the “Lamb” in Scripture and you will be following God’s progressive

TME FEAST o f the PASSOUER by Lehman S trauss

“ These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD ’S p a s so v e r ” (Leviticus 23:4, 5). T he P assover F east , first in or­ der, symbolically typified the foundation for the full accom­ plishment of the divine plan. The slain Lamb was the starting point of all God’s dealings in the re­ demption of Israel as a nation. When the Book of Exodus com­ mences, Israel is a nation in bond­ age and slavery. For more than four hundred years the people had been in Egypt under the tyr­ anny of a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph. Exodus, chapter twelve, records the beginning o f Israel’s redemption on the night of the passover. The institution of the Passover introduces these words from Je­ hovah, “ This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you” (Exodus 12:2). At the time the Passover was insti­ tuted nationally, Israel was in the seventh month (Abib) o f her c iv il y ea r (of Deut. 16:1), but in Leviticus twenty-three, God is going to rearrange the Jewish calendar to make the sev­ enth month become the first month. It was altogether a new beginning. 14


God’s unblemished Lamb when he encountered Him in the wilder­ ness (Matt. 4:1-11). Judas, the false disciple who betrayed Jesus but walked as physically close to our Lord as any one else, testified, “ I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood” (Matt. 27:4). In this closing scene o f the life of Judas his remorse and restitution are too late to do him any good, but the recorded testimony which he gave of our Lord was both timely and timeless. Having kept company with our Lord, Judas knew well His righteous, flawless character. Both the Roman governor and his wife bore witness to the sin­ less perfection of the Lamb of God. Pilate said, “ I find no fault in this man” (Luke 23:4), and, “ I am innocent of the blood of this just person” (Matt. 27:23). His wife added, “Have thou noth­ ing to do with that just man” (Matt. 27:19). Upon Pilate fell the grave responsibility of giving or withholding the death penalty, and although notorious for his corruption, he could speak no ill of Jesus Christ. Twelve types in the Passover Lamb of Exodus were fulfilled in the Person and work of Jesus Christ, but we will but men­ tion only a few here. There were the manner and the time of the death of the Lamb, that is, it was slain by the people “between the evenings” (verse 6 R.V. cf Matt. 27:21-25, 45; Luke 23:44). The Blood of the Lamb had to be sprinkled and applied by faith (verse 7 c f Romans 3:25; I John 1:7). The Lamb was roasted with fire (verse 8 c f of Psalm 22:14, 15). The people feasted upon the Lamb (verse 8 cf I Cor. 11:25, 26). Those who failed to meet the conditions for partaking of the sacrifice were cut off in judgment (verse 19 cf of I Cor. 11:27-32; Heb. 10:26-31). From the very loftiest heights of Heaven to the very lowest de­ scents of Hell comes the testi­ mony that Jesus Christ is God’s Lamb without blemish.

less.” None save Jesus is perfect. Had there been one flaw in Jesus Christ, He would have been unfit as a sacrifice for sin, but He was God’s perfect Lamb. He knew no sin (2 Corinthians 5 :21 ) He did no sin (I Peter 2 :2 2 ). In Him was no sin (I John 3 :5 ). He prayed that others might be for­ given, but He never prayed for forgiveness for Himself since there were no sins in Him to be confessed or forgiven. He never dissuaded anyone from believing that He was sinless. While He never offered sacrifices for Him­ self, He offered Himself a sinless sacrifice for the sins of the world. The Passover Lamb was to be kept religiously from the tenth day o f the month until the four­ teenth day of the month for care­ ful scrutiny (vss. 3, 6). Now the life of our Lord Jesus Christ was truly a period o f testing. His life could never save us, but it was necessary to His death. It was a period of hostile, and therefore searching scrutiny. If the slight­ est deviation from holiness were to be seen in Him, He could be neither the anti-type of the Pass- over Lamb nor the Saviour for sinners. His earthly life provided ample time and sufficient oppor­ tunity for scrutiny and minute examination. The life o f our Lord had to pass, first, the highest standards of Almighty God. Abraham said: “ God will provide Himself a lamb” (Genesis 22:8). The Fa­ ther had to be satisfied, and in­ deed He was, for He testified, “ This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Heaven approved Him. Next, our Lord would be as­ siduously watched by Satan and the demons, but even they would not be able to charge Him with sin. The demons testified, “ I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24), recogniz­ ing both the Deity and the sin­ lessness of Jesus Christ. (In this they are better theologians than some ministers and teachers of religion.) Satan himself witnessed

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